Submit documents online
Find the form you need, fill it in using your desktop or laptop computer, save it and submit it online.
- Claims
- Your account
- Get WSIB coverage
- Manage your premiums, rates and coverage
- Annual reconciliation for monthly reporting businesses
- Pay your premiums
- Schedule 2 security requirement
- Determine your independent operator status
- Verify coverage when buying or selling your business
- Authorize a third-party representative
- Object to a decision about your account
- Email us
- Order print materials
Report an injury, illness or exposure
Log in to your online services account to report a workplace injury or illness.
- You can also fill out, save, and upload a
Please read our Form 7 reference guide for businesses if you have questions about reporting
- You can complete our initial injury or illness self-evaluator for businesses to ensure you’re complying with legislative requirements
- If you're reporting a fatal workplace accident, please call us 24/7 at 1-800-387-0750. You can leave a message if you’re calling after-hours, and we’ll return your call within one business day
Report an exposure incident
Fill out and save an
or an and submit it.Support your employee's recovery and return to work
Object to a decision about a claim
Re-open a claim
Accident cost statement
Your account
Get WSIB coverage
Manage your premiums, rates and coverage
Annual reconciliation for monthly reporting businesses
- Complete your annual reconciliation online
- Reconciliation Form – working copy