Meeting your responsibilities

Knowing and understanding your responsibilities to us are the first steps. You must also be able, and willing, to meet each of those obligations. Our approach is to educate, communicate, assist and, only as a last resort, use enforcement.

We’re here to support you in meeting your responsibilities to us.

We will:

  • provide you with the information you need to know and understand your responsibilities
  • continuously work to make it easier for you to fulfill your responsibilities
  • help you address any barriers you might encounter in meeting your obligations

You will:

  • ensure you understand your responsibilities by educating yourself through the materials we provide
  • meet each of your obligations

People who have been ill or injured at work

Your responsibilities include:


Read more about your responsibilities:

Representatives of businesses and people who are injured or ill

Our code of conduct for representatives sets out the standards of behaviour we expect from representatives of businesses and representatives of those who experienced a workplace injury or illness.

Providers and suppliers

As an important part of the workplace safety and insurance system, we count on you to help us support people who are ill or injured at work through their recovery and also to ensure you are: