You may ask to close your account when you have stopped operating your business or no longer have employees. You must notify us within 10 days of this happening.
You can complete the account closure request form to close your account. Your account will be closed within three to five business days of your request submission.
Please note: we can't process future dated closures.
How to close an account in construction
If you operate a business that falls under a construction North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, you should complete the account closure request form to close your account. However, no longer having employees doesn't automatically indicate the closure of an account as the owner(s) of the business may still have to report and pay insurable earnings for themselves.
Learn more about reporting obligations under expanded compulsory coverage in construction.
How to close an account with non-mandatory coverage
If you operate a business that has a non-mandatory NAICS code and want to de-elect coverage, please send us a message online or email your request to [email protected]. The account will be closed the day we receive the request to cancel coverage.
Next steps
Once we receive notification of closure, you'll receive a confirmation letter in the mail including next steps, if applicable. Your account will be closed within three to five business days of your request submission. Please note that insurable earnings will have to be reported and paid up to the date of closure.