Report a workplace fatality or catastrophic accident

We’re here to help

We understand compassionate, timely and knowledgeable support is critical when a fatality or catastrophic injury happens on the job. We’re here to support the family and your business with crisis intervention, survivor and dependents benefits, burial costs, and other services and benefits.

What to do when a workplace fatality happens

1. Provide first aid and get medical help

  • Call 911 immediately and secure the scene if there has been a fatality or catastrophic injury. This can include clearing employees from the area and ensuring minimal scene disturbance.
  • Provide first aid if it’s safe to do so. Keep accurate records of the treatment provided.
  • You’re responsible for transporting employees who are injured or ill to a health professional or paying the cost of their transportation on the day of the injury. This can include witnesses to the injury who may also need health care and/or psychological support.

2. Notify the required parties

There are many people you should notify if a fatality or catastrophic injury happens. Gather the information you need before calling – for example:

  • full name of the person who has passed away and emergency contact and/or next of kin contact details
  • names of any witnesses and their contact details
  • your business’s legal name and contact information

Then notify the following people:

  • your Joint Health and Safety Committee or Health and Safety Representative
  • union(s) if any
  • any other regulatory body required for your business, if applicable

3. Report the fatality

You should report the fatality to us and to the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training, and Skills Development.

Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development

You must report a fatality to the ministry immediately, and provide a written report within 48 hours, unless you’re a federally regulated business.

You can report the accident or by calling them any time at 1-877-202-0008.

The ministry will investigate the fatality and your compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA).

Federally regulated businesses are required to report to Employment and Social Development Canada at 1-800-641-4049.


You must report a workplace injury or illness, including a fatality, to us within three business days.

Please call us 24/7 at 1-800-387-0750 to report the fatality over the phone. You can leave a message if you’re calling after-hours, and we’ll return your call within one business day. Please notify us if you already reported the injury and the employee has since passed away as a result of their injury. You don’t need a claim number to advise us of this situation, we’ll expedite the registration process. The sooner we can register the fatality, the sooner we can provide support to the family and your business.

Log in to our online services after registering the claim with us over the phone. Through our online services, you can provide more information, view the status of the claim or contact us if you have any questions.

We’ll determine if the fatality is work-related and any entitlement to benefits under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA).

4. Document

Under the OHSA and Regulation 1101 (First Aid), you must investigate and keep a detailed record of what happened, and the steps taken before and after the fatality. Identify and interview the people involved in the accident and any witnesses.

After a catastrophic injury or fatality, there may be multiple different agencies investigating or requesting information at the same time. This can include, but isn’t limited to, the police, the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, the Joint Health and Safety Committee, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of the Environment.

5. Get support

There are additional supports available to help you, your employees and the family of the person who has passed away during this difficult time:

  • Crisis intervention services: Once a fatality is reported to us, a crisis intervention counsellor is assigned. The counsellor will contact the impacted people, business and family members to provide critical incident debriefing and crisis intervention counselling within 48 hours. They provide supportive counselling, help complete forms and explain available benefits, including referrals to formal bereavement counselling and work transition/return-to-work services. They can also help contact the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, the Coroner's Office, the police and other agencies as needed.
  • Survivor benefits: We provide benefits and services to help support surviving spouses and dependents. You can learn more about the four types of survivors’ benefits we provide to spouses and dependents, and read our guide for families.
  • Health and safety association: You automatically receive a free membership to the health and safety association that represents your industry if you’re registered with us. Health and safety associations can help your business by providing education on preventing workplace injuries, training opportunities and explaining what to expect with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development visits. You can find your health and safety association if you don’t know which one you belong to.
  • Office of the Employer Advisor: The Office of the Employer Advisor provides Ontario businesses with expert, free and confidential advice, representation, and education on all workers’ compensation issues under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
  • Health and Safety Excellence program: You can learn about our Health and Safety Excellence program, which helps businesses develop workplace programs with the goal of preventing and reducing the impact of injuries and illnesses. You can also find information on what you need to know about health and safety.
  • Threads of Life: Threads of Life is a charity dedicated to supporting families after a workplace fatality, life-altering injury or an occupational disease. Threads of Life has a network of family members and corporate partners dedicated to providing support.
  • Office of the Worker Advisor: The Office of the Worker Advisor represents non-unionized workers and families or survivors who have suffered a catastrophic injury. They provide information, advice and representation, and ensure appropriate referrals regarding health and safety prosecutions, inquests or accessing information through the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).
  • Fatalities and Immediate Response (FAIR) partnership: The FAIR partnership is a joint project between the WSIB, the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, Threads of Life and the Office of the Worker Advisor that works to provide timely and comprehensive assistance following a traumatic workplace fatality. You can learn more about the resources available to you through the FAIR partnership.