The Ontario regulation film services program is a medical records storage program that documents exposure to silica and/or asbestos in the workplace. We will keep medical records and chest x-rays for employees who may, in the future, file a claim for either silicosis or asbestos.
The program helps businesses, employees and physicians meet the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act regulation on silica and asbestos, which requires business to provide and pay for a medical surveillance program for their employees. Participation in the medical surveillance program is voluntary.
The regulation also states the examining physician must keep an employee’s records in a secure place for at least 40 years. If the physician responsible for the records is not able to keep the records, they must mail them to us. We will keep this information on behalf of the examining physician.
To send us the medical records for storage purposes:
- The business needs to complete the first half of the (everything above the test and release authorization section)
- Then, the employee needs to take the form to the examining physician
- The physician must complete the personal information collection section
- Once the form is filled out by the business and the examining physician, the employee can complete the employee’s statement section and sign
- The examining physician can then complete the test and release authorization section and mail the form and test results (including chest x-rays) to us.