Getting started - How can I register?
What happens if I don’t register or if I register more than 10 calendar days after hiring my first employee?
By law, most businesses need to register with the WSIB within 10 calendar days of hiring their first employee. If you own or operate a business in construction, your registration obligation may be different. You can learn more about mandatory coverage in the construction industry.
If you’re not registered with us, and should be, you can voluntarily register your business for the first time. To register your business, please gather your business information, sign up for our online services and then use the registration service.
Signing up for our online services does not mean you have registered your business. After creating an online services account, you must use the registration service to complete your registration. Your WSIB account will be active within three to five business days of registering for WSIB coverage.
Not registering may result in penalties, investigation and provincial offences charge or having to repay retroactive premiums. See our policy on voluntary registration to learn more.
Can I register my new business prior to hiring employees?
No. We ask that you register with us within 10 calendar days of hiring your first employee. We don’t accept future-dated registrations.
If you own or operate a business in construction, you can register as of the date your business starts performing construction work, or the date you meet the criteria of an independent operator in construction, see our policy on Workers and Independent Operators for more information. You can also learn more about mandatory coverage in construction.
What do I need to know if I run a business that’s not based in Ontario but hires people to work in Ontario?
Businesses have an obligation to find out if they should register in Ontario when either hiring:
- Ontario resident employees to work in Ontario, or
- employees from outside of Ontario to work in Ontario
Most non-resident businesses who employ an Ontario resident to work in Ontario are required to have coverage for them with the WSIB. A non-resident employee is someone whose permanent residence is outside of Ontario. A non-resident employee who works in Ontario normally has a substantial connection with Ontario unless the employment here is minimal and short-term, compared to their employment somewhere else. See our policy on non-resident workers for more information about your registration obligations.
How do I register if I had a WSIB account in the past?
To register your business, you first need to sign up for or log in to our online services and then use the registration service to register your business.
You’ll be able to include any prior and/or existing account(s) you’ve had with us. We’ll review the information and decide if you should create a new account or if we should reactivate your prior account. We’ll contact you if we have any questions.
How do I register a new account if I already have an account with the WSIB?
Log in to our online services and use the registration service to register a new account. You’ll be able to include any prior and/or existing account(s) you’ve had with us. We’ll review the information and decide if you should create a new account based on the legal name and physical location of your business. We’ll contact you if we have any questions.
How much does it cost to register?
Registering is free, but if you need a clearance right away and haven’t paid any premiums, you’ll need to pay a $250 deposit to get the clearance. The $250 will act as a credit on your account, so when the time comes for you to pay your premiums, you’ll have already paid $250 against the bill. You can get your clearance online quickly and easily.
Registering online
Do I have to sign up using the WSIB’s online services?
Yes. You must sign up or log in to our online services before you can register your business for WSIB coverage. After signing up or logging in, you can use the registration service to register your business. Your WSIB account will be active within three to five business days of registering for WSIB coverage.
Our online services are the easiest and most convenient way to manage your WSIB account, from viewing your statement, to reporting and paying premiums, accessing your account details, finding or obtaining a clearance, submitting a claim-related document and much more.
If you can’t register online, you can register by phone or mail. Contact us to find out more.
Can someone else (e.g., accountant/bookkeeper, family member, etc.) register my business for me?
Yes, but they must check off the statement saying that they are authorized by the business owner to submit registration information.
Can I save information I enter in the online registration service and return to it later?
No. For security reasons, you must enter all information and submit it at one time. You'll be timed out of your session if you’re inactive for 30 minutes and the information you’ve entered won’t be saved or stored online.
Check out the list of information you should have on hand before you start.
How do I know when my registration is complete?
Once you’ve submitted your information to us online, you’ll see a confirmation number on a printable summary page. We’ll also email this number to the email address you provided to us during registration. Once your account has been activated, we’ll email you your WSIB account number and welcome package.
How long will it take to get my WSIB account activated after I submit my information online?
Your account will typically be active within three to five business days if we have all the information we need from you.
I didn’t receive a confirmation email after submitting my registration information. What happened?
The confirmation email is sent to the email address that you provided.
You won’t receive the email if the email address provided was invalid or incomplete. Check to see if your email is filtered to exclude email from unknown senders. Even if you don’t receive an email, if you clicked 'submit' and there was a confirmation number on a summary page, then we do have your registration information and will contact you with your account information.
I submitted registration information online and got a confirmation number by email. Does this mean I now have a WSIB account?
Not yet. The confirmation email confirms the receipt of your registration information. We’ll review the information you submitted and email you your WSIB account number and welcome package. Your WSIB account will be active within three to five business days of registering for WSIB coverage.
Online service support and troubleshooting
Why do I get an error message after I press the 'Back' button to try to go to the previous page?
Always press the 'Previous' button on the bottom of the page to return to the previous page.
If you clicked the 'Back' button on your browser by mistake, use the 'Refresh' button to continue.
I submitted registration information and found I made a mistake, how can I go back to my submission to revise it?
You cannot revise a registration submission once you've created it and received your confirmation number. Have your registration confirmation number ready and call 416-344-1000 or 1-800-387-0750 to tell us about any changes you need to make.
I received a session expired message. Why did this happen?
You were inactive in the session for over 30 minutes. To avoid this, please navigate to another page before 30 minutes has elapsed. None of the information you’ve entered has been saved or stored online. You’ll have to enter your information again.
I'm having trouble registering online, where can I get help?
Please email [email protected] or call 1-800-387-0750 if you have any questions related to registration.