Information you need to register your business

To register your business with the WSIB, you will need the following information:

Company information

  • legal name of company and trade name(s)
  • Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number
  • mailing, email and website addresses
  • phone numbers
  • address and phone number of each operating location
  • account number of any prior registered accounts with WSIB
  • name, location and phone number for a contact person who deals with payroll records (if different from your primary location)
  • bank name
  • description of your business activity (i.e. what is the nature of your business)
  • description of the product you produce, the goods you sell or the services you provide (we will use this information to determine your rate group and your premium rate)
  • an indication of your predominant business activity, if you have more than one
  • payroll Information for any other business activities you maintain
  • names and addresses of any associated employers/contractors, plus their WSIB account numbers, if possible

Owner/executive details

  • names, addresses, birthdates and official titles of directors or owners of the company (and proof of earnings if you'll be requesting optional insurance).

Information about your employees

  • date the first employee was hired
  • number of employees

Payroll information

You'll need to estimate your payroll information which is the insurable earnings you'll pay your employees for the current year. This information is reported on your employees' pay stubs or T4 slips as gross earnings, including deductions for income tax, CPP and employment insurance. Insurable earnings can also include earnings not reported on a T4 such as room and board, bonuses and commissions.

If you own or operate a business in construction and need details about estimating your insurable earnings, read about mandatory coverage in the construction industry

Insurable earnings are subject to a maximum amount for each employee. See this year's annual maximum.

Who you're responsible for insuring

You're responsible for insuring the following individuals:

Your WSIB account will be active within three to five business days of registering for WSIB coverage.