The WSIB creates Administrative Practice Documents when we determine there is a need for a supplementary document to assist in understanding the practical application of operational policy and law relative to worker claims and employer accounts.
The existing documents, previously on the Adjudicative Advice Documents page, are now listed below. We created them to promote understanding of the application of key adjudication principles and concepts.
Over the past several years, we have transformed how we deliver services to workers and employers. While the fundamental adjudicative principles outlined in the Adjudicative Advice Documents remain sound, some of the documents require housekeeping changes and process revisions to reflect our current service delivery models.
We are undertaking a review of this information to assess the ongoing need and usage of each document and to ensure the content is up-to-date. As we refresh the Adjudicative Advice Documents, they will be re-titled and called Administrative Practice Documents.
Our policy documents are available in the Operational Policy Manual and the Employer Classification Manual.
If you have any questions about these documents, please email us at [email protected].
Worker Claims
- Permanent impairment guidelines for post-COVID conditions, long COVID and COVID-19 (July 2023)
- Loss of Earnings (LOE) Benefit Reviews (October 2020)
- Determining maximum medical recovery and permanent impairment (May 2023)
- Maintenance Treatment (December 2020)
- Permanent Impairment Guidelines for Acromioplasty, Repetitive Strain Injuries and Splenectomy (December 2020)
- Pre-existing Conditions (February 2023)
- Return to Work considerations (November 2021)
- Traumatic Mental Stress (May 2022)
- Weighing of medical evidence (February 2024)
Employer Accounts
- Policy in practice: Premium frequency
- Policy in practice: Premium rate setting
- Voluntary Registration APD
- Employer Premium Adjustments APD (PDF)
- Note: This APD applies to account decisions made between February 1, 2014 and December 31, 2019 only.
For questions related to our Employer Premium Adjustments, 14-02-06, policy please contact [email protected]. For account specific questions, please contact the Employer Service Centre at [email protected] or 1-800-387-0750.
- Note: This APD applies to account decisions made between February 1, 2014 and December 31, 2019 only.
- Associated Employers
- Expanded Compulsory Coverage
- Insurable Earnings in Construction (PDF)
Adjudicative advice documents
- A Code of Conduct for Representatives
- A Worker is a Worker (PDF)
- Coverage and Entitlement for Workers Hired Under the Commonwealth Caribbean and Mexican Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (PDF)
- Employers’ Initial Accident Reporting Obligations - Clarification (PDF)
- Initial Entitlement (Disablement) (PDF)
- Practice Guidelines for Ordering Loss of Earnings (LOE) Benefits Arrears Under WSIA (PDF)
- Students, Apprentices and Learners - Questions and Answers (PDF)
- Retrospective Return to Work (RTW) Situations (PDF)