Completing the reconciliation form

Reconciliation helps confirm you've reported the right amount in premiums. If you reported too much or too little, we'll work with you to correct your account.

Businesses that reported and paid premiums monthly, as well as those who closed an account during the year must reconcile. If you've received a preprinted reconciliation form, please complete the form and return it to us via mail to P.O. Box 4115, Station A, Toronto, ON M5W 2V3.

Complete your annual reconciliation online 

Our online annual reconciliation application – for monthly reporting businesses only – provides pre-populated information (including the amount of premiums you've reported for the year, previously found in Box 14 on the paper reconciliation form) and does the calculations for you.

To access our online reconciliation application you'll need to log in to your online services account or sign up for an account if you haven’t already done so.

Online reconciliation

You can also complete your reconciliation in one simple transaction through your online banking. Learn more about how to report, pay and reconcile your premiums.

Annual reconciliations are due March 31 each year. You don't need to reconcile if you report annually or quarterly.

Information you need to reconcile

We set an annual maximum for insurable earnings. For 2024, the annual maximum for insurable earnings was $112,500.

If you're closing an account in 2025, please use the annual insurable earnings maximum of $117,000. 

The reconciliation process involves several steps to compare the total premiums you reported to us with your actual premium. To reconcile an account for the reporting period you must:

  1. determine the insurable earnings for each North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code
  2. calculate the actual premium for each NAICS code
  3. add up the premiums from all NAICS codes
  4. compare the total premium amount owing to the total premium amount that was reported
  5. include payment for any reconciled difference owing to us with the completed reconciliation form and ensure that we receive it on or before March 31.

Paper reconciliation

You can contact us to request a paper form if you're unable to complete the reconciliation form online. Please keep the following information in mind if you're completing the paper form to avoid penalties:

  • don't write over any pre-printed information, including dates or amounts
  • return the original form in the envelope provided
  • don't return your working copy or any photocopies or faxes of the form – keep them for audit purposes
  • return your completed form via mail to P.O. Box 4115, Station A, Toronto, ON M5W 2V3, so that we receive it no later than March 31
  • use only the reconciliation form we send you

The reconciliation guide is designed to support you in completing the paper-based reconciliation form.

See our 2019 reconciliation guide if you're reconciling for years prior to 2020.