Please contact us confidentially through our website, email us at [email protected] or call our toll-free action line at 1-888-SI-LEADS (1-888-745-3237), Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. if you suspect anyone involved with the WSIB (person, business, representative, supplier or health-care practitioner) isn’t dealing honestly with us.
What happens after I report suspected fraud or abuse of the workplace compensation system?
We’ll record the details to track suspected fraud or non-compliant behaviour. We may include the details as part of our statistical reporting. All reports are reviewed. We investigate some of the reports and follow up administratively on others.
What are some examples of fraud or abuse of the system?
Some examples include:
- falsely claiming that an injury is work-related (s. 149(1) Workplace Safety and Insurance Act)
- misrepresenting your injury or illness to receive WSIB benefits (s. 149(1) Workplace Safety and Insurance Act)
- failing to report all employment income while receiving WSIB benefits (s. 149(1) and s. 149(2) Workplace Safety and Insurance Act).
- billing for services not provided (s. 149(4) Workplace Safety and Insurance Act)
Some examples for businesses include:
- failing to report an accident or discouraging an employee to report an accident (s. 152(3) and 155(1) Workplace Safety and Insurance Act)
- providing inaccurate payroll (s. 152(1.1) Workplace Safety and Insurance Act)
What steps are taken to protect my identity?
You don’t have to provide your name, address, or any other information that may identify you when reporting fraud or wrong-doing.
Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, any information you provide may be released to the person/business/health care provider you’re making allegations against, including their employer, representatives and law enforcement agencies.
Is my identity protected if I send you an email?
Every reasonable effort will be made to protect your personal identity. Your email address is captured for our records when you email [email protected]. If you’d prefer to contact us anonymously, you can do so confidentially through our website.
What are the penalties for committing fraud or abuse of the system?
People convicted under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act can be subject to a fine of up to $25,000 and/or six months in jail for each offence. People who commit fraud exceeding $5,000 can be sentenced to imprisonment for up to 10 years. Penalties may also include fines, probation, and/or an order to pay full restitution.
Corporations convicted under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act can be fined up to $500,000 for each offence.
The court may also order restitution of the full amount of money received in the commission of the offence.
What is considered an offence for health care providers who deal with WSIB?
It’s an offence when a health care provider or supplier intentionally bills for services or goods that aren’t provided or submits a false medical report.
Would a conviction under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act or the Criminal Code affect a health care provider’s license to practice?
We notify the appropriate regulatory body and provide a factual summary in cases where a health care practitioner is convicted. The regulatory body will take whatever action it deems necessary.