2020 premium rates: Class C - Utilities

Number of
Percentage of
all Schedule 1
Percentage of all
Schedule 1 insurable
Percentage of
class at or below
class rate
Percentage of
class above class
rate (2020)
Percentage of class
projected below or at
class rate
Percentage of
class projected
above class rate
230 <1% 2% 55% 45% 50% 50%
Class C - Utilities Number of
Percentage of
businesses in
the class
Percentage of class
insurable earnings
Percentage of
businesses at or below the class rate (2020)
Percentage of
businesses above
class rate (2020)
Percentage of
businesses projected
below or at class rate
Percentage of
businesses projected
above class rate
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution and
Natural gas distribution (2211-2212)
208 90% 99% 61% 39% 56% 44%
Water, sewage and other systems (2213) 22 10% 1% <1% 100% <1% 100%