2020 Premium rates: Class F2 - Air, transit, ground passenger, recreational and pipeline transportation, courier services and warehousing

Number of
Percentage of
all Schedule 1
Percentage of all
Schedule 1 insurable
Percentage of
class at or below
class rate
Percentage of
class above class
rate (2020)
Percentage of class
projected below or at
class rate
Percentage of
class projected
above class rate
4,476 1% 3% 31% 69% 30% 70%
Class F2 - Air, transit, ground passenger, recreational and pipeline transportation, courier services and warehousing Number of
Percentage of
businesses in
the class
Percentage of class
insurable earnings
Percentage of
businesses at or below the class rate (2020)
Percentage of
businesses above
class rate (2020)

Percentage of

below or at class rate

Percentage of
businesses projected
above class rate
Air transportation (481) 223 5% 14% 88% 12% 87% 13%
Couriers and messengers (492) 685 15% 19% 1% 99% 1% 99%
Pipeline transportation (486) 10 <1% 1% 100% <1% 90% 10%
Scenic and sightseeing transportation (487) 43 1% <1% <1% 100% <1% 100%
Support activities for transportation (488) 2,318 52% 32% 42% 58% 41% 59%
Transit and ground passenger transportation (485) 783 17% 16% 1% 99% 1% 99%
Warehousing and storage (493) 414 9% 18% 37% 63% 36% 64%