2021 AODA annual status update

Vision and commitment

We are committed to meeting the requirements outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), and to:

  • treating all people in a way that supports the maintenance of their dignity and independence
  • supporting integration and equal opportunity
  • meeting accessibility needs in a timely manner by identifying, preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the AODA and the Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation (IASR)
  • working together to promote a culture of respect and acceptance for accessibility in Ontario

The AODA is intended to enable the development, implementation and enforcement of accessibility standards to achieve accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities. The IASR establishes the accessibility standards for the following areas: 

  • information and communication
  • employment
  • design of public spaces
  • customer service
  • transportation

We are committed to customer service excellence. Our programs and services are delivered in ways that reflect our values: 

  • Be compassionate
  • Always be helpful
  • Do our work with integrity
  • Earn people’s trust

Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation

In accordance with the standards in the IASR, we have completed the following actions:

Part one – general

Actions taken

  • Began annual reporting to the WSIB Governance Committee in the third quarter of 2019, covering key accessibility metrics and compliance findings
  • Enhanced the project and procurement assessment form in MyWSIB, an internal service portal, to include multilingual considerations in customer service
  • Led and hosted the biannual intra-government Accessibility Community of Practice sessions 
  • Provided accessibility recommendations, requirements and best practices to our staff and vendors.
  • Conducted ongoing consultations with internal stakeholders and with contracted vendors of the WSIB on projects and contracts to ensure accessibility requirements and considerations are incorporated
  • Updated the WSIB’s Accessibility Policy
  • Obtaining input that is being incorporated into the drafting of WSIB’s Multi Year Accessibility Plan for 2022 to 2025

Part two – information and communication standard

Accessible formats and communication supports.

Actions taken

  • Continued to facilitate a training program that teaches employees how to create accessible documents (Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint)
  • Created a new accessibility resource SharePoint site 
  • Developed accessible virtual meeting guidelines
  • Provided alternate formats such as large font and braille upon request
  • Created and maintained a feedback process relating to accessibility
  • Updated Microsoft Outlook’s meeting invitations to include accommodation language

Part three – employment standard

The Accessibility Office continued to work with Human Resources and business leaders regarding inclusive recruitment, employment and talent management practices.

Actions taken

  • Reviewed and provided accessibility testing for internal communications, learning materials and software that WSIB employees use
  • Worked with internal partners to develop resources and tip sheets for assistive software users working with new softwares and applications
  • Consulted with employees with lived experience of disability on meeting room technology and sound systems
  • Shared WSIB job postings with Connexions Newsletter, which is designed to help jobseekers with disabilities find meaningful employment within the Ontario Government, the Broader Public Sector or other sectors.
  • Upon hiring provide and prior to their start date, provide new employees with their manager’s contact information in case they need accommodation.

Part four – customer service standard

Actions taken

  • Continued to promote and monitor completion rates of AODA and human rights training courses for all WSIB employees, volunteers and Board members
  • Continued to work with internal partners to ensure accessible forms and products are being developed and tested for accessibility
  • Continued to develop and provide accessibility reference materials within knowledge management tools for customer-facing roles at WSIB
  • Continued to provide stakeholders with materials in alternative formats such as large font and braille upon request
  • Continued to support WSIB divisions regarding accommodation requests for people receiving WSIB benefits and services
  • Provided Canadian Hearing Services virtual events to all employees in providing communication strategies and considerations when serving customers who are Deaf or hard of hearing

Accessibility feedback

We are committed to improving our services for people with disabilities. Your feedback is important to help us identify barriers that limit or prevent you from interacting with us or receiving our services in an accessible format.

You can provide your feedback by filling out an alternate format and feedback request form, by emailing us at [email protected] or by calling us at 416-344-4350.

You can also mail your feedback to us at: 

Accessibility Office
200 Front Street West
Toronto, Ontario  M5V 3J1