Our new premium rate-setting model is replacing existing experience rating programs. Businesses will receive their final NEER and CAD-7 statements in the fall of 2020. See more information about the changes to our experience rating programs.
CAD-7 is an experience rating program that automatically applies to firms that:
- Have total yearly premiums of $25,000 or more, and
- Operate in at least one construction rate group. (Non-construction rate groups are covered by the NEER Program.)
If your firm does business in multiple construction rate groups then you will see one CAD-7 calculation showing your overall performance.
In the CAD-7 program, your firm can earn either lump sum refunds or surcharges based on your individual accident costs and frequency. For example, if you have a good cost and frequency record, then your firm will be refunded a portion of your premium.
Program details
The CAD-7 program compares an expected accident cost and expected frequency count to the actual numbers for your firm.
“Actual claims costs” are costs, paid in the review year, for claims that are no less than 5 years old.
Claims are included in your frequency count when:
- They have had eight or more days of full or partial Loss of Earnings benefits paid, and
- The accident date falls within the two-year review period.
The 2010 CAD-7 calculation for ABCD Inc. (a fictitious company) reviews the 2009 and 2008 accident years.
The actual claim cost for the 2009 record is made up of all claims for which benefits were paid in 2009 and that had accident dates between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2009.
The 2008 accident cost record comprised all claims for which benefits were paid in 2008 and that had accident dates between January 1, 2004, and December 31, 2008.
ABCD’s frequency record for the 2009 accident year is based on all claims with a 2009 accident date for which eight or more days of Loss of Earnings benefits have been paid at the time of review.
The 2008 frequency record is based on all claims with an accident date of 2008 for which eight or more days of Loss of Earnings benefits have been paid at the time of review.
More information
For more information on CAD-7, call 1-800-663-6639 or 416-344-1016, or email [email protected].