Services included | Service code | Fee |
Private Practice (per hour) | 5140 | $111.48 |
Family Services (per hour) | 5141 | $132.36 |
Note: Payment for reports is included in the fee for social work services. Therefore, a separate report fee should not be submitted to the WSIB.
Services included | Service code | Fee |
Functional Abilities Form for Planning Early and Safe Return to Work (FAF) | FAF | $45.00 |
Telephone consultation with treating health professional | N/A | $45.00 |
Additional notes:
Functional Abilities Form for Planning Early and Safe Return to Work (FAF)
- Request for the completion of the form must be initiated by either the worker or employer. Do not include clinical/diagnostic information on the form.
Telephone consultation with treating health professional
- Call must be initiated by the WSIB to treating health professional.
- Paid at a flat rate fee regardless of the duration of discussion.
Overview of social work services
In severe and complex injuries, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) may need to make a referral for social work services to assess psychosocial issues and the impact of the injury on the worker and family. In crisis situations, a referral for social work services may be made. In general, social work services should provide brief, solution-based therapy.
Assessment must be completed by a Social Worker who is registered with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW) and is listed on the OCSWSSW Register.
Assessment must be completed by a Social Worker who holds a Master of Social Work (MSW) or doctorate (DSW or PhD) in social work from an accredited Canadian School of Social Work or deemed equivalent.
Family services agencies must be members of Family Service Ontario.
Referral guidelines
Social work referrals should usually be initiated and pre-authorized by the WSIB.
Initial assessments should be completed within two weeks of the referral date.
Treatment guidelines
To assist the WSIB in determining the allowable length of treatment, the Social Worker should submit a written treatment plan/report that outlines the expected duration and outcomes. Ensure that the worker’s name and claim number are clearly written on the report.
Pre-authorization by the WSIB is required before starting an intervention program.