Logging industry

indicates required field

Complete the logging industry – determining worker/independent operator status questionnaire if:

  • you’re not employing full or part-time help, and
  • you’ve been asked to show proof of WSIB coverage by the company or companies with which you currently have a contract, or
  • you’re a company engaging contractors and need a worker/independent operator status determination, or
  • you’d like to establish an account for optional insurance
  • you cut logs or operate equipment in woodland operations
  • are the principal of a logging industry business (or their respective representative)

You and the principal can also submit separate questionnaires if:

  • you disagree about the answers to some or all of the questions
  • you want to submit the financial information in confidence

Key terms

Workers are entitled to benefits provided by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and their employers must pay premiums to the WSIB.

Independent operators can choose to apply for coverage as workers under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. If they want insurance, they must pay their own premiums.

Principal is the company that hires the individual to cut or prepare logs.

Part 1

Is there a written contract stating the terms of the work relationship?

One file only.

10 MB limit

Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png.

Do you have a previous or current WSIB account number?

Part 2

Order of work
Union agreement
Ruling by Canada Revenue Agency
Method of payment

Part 3

Profits or loss

List A: Please indicate what costs are incurred in doing the work, who pays for these items and the approximate value or cost of each item.

List B: Please indicate who makes the following decisions and rank the impact of these decisions on your profits.

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 4

Serving the general public
Services rendered personally
Set hours of work
Full-time required
Working for more than one principal at a time
Continuing relationship
Right to terminate
Hiring others
Continuing need for service

Based on your answers, you’re a worker under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.

Based on your answers, you’re an independent operator under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.


To the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the information provided is true.

I/we understand the WSIB reserves the right to audit and verify these responses. If these responses don’t truly represent the nature of the working relationship, the WSIB may reverse the determination of status retroactively to the date that the working relationship began.

By submitting this form, the individual acknowledges that if they experience a work-related injury or illness, they won’t be eligible for any WSIB benefits unless they request optional insurance coverage and the WSIB approves it.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and may be used to register/determine your status for coverage and to administer to enforce the act.


Principal validation

The principal is the company that hires the individual to cut or prepare logs. We’ll send a copy of this completed questionnaire to the principals you provide. They’ll have two business days to validate this form. If we don’t receive a response within two business days, we’ll adjudicate the questionnaire with a decision.

Please email us at [email protected] or send us a message through our online services if you have any questions.