Our online services are the best way for businesses to access their WSIB account statements anywhere, anytime.
Toronto, July 12, 2022 – Starting in January 2023, we will no longer provide paper statements of account, premium rate statements or claim detail statements. These statements will now be available through our online services.
Our online services are the best way for businesses to access their WSIB account statements anywhere, anytime. You can sign up by selecting the ‘Log in’ button in the businesses tab and following the simple steps to create an account. For a step-by-step guide to sign up, view our online services FAQs.
If you already have an online services account, log in and select ‘view your statements’ from the business home menu to sign up for online statements.
Businesses will receive their last paper statement of account in mid-January 2023. A notice will be included in the statement confirming that it will be the last statement mailed.
Eliminating paper statements will help us address climate change and manage our administrative costs more efficiently.
You can call 1-800-387-0750, Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 7:45 p.m., if you have questions about our online services or your account. We’re here to help.
For more information contact:
WSIB media relations
[email protected]