WSIB concludes review of past GE Peterborough claims

New evidence and updated scientific research leads to 71 claims being accepted

Peterborough, August 3, 2018 – The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board's (WSIB) review of past claims related to GE Peterborough has come to a conclusion with 71 claims being accepted. The previous decision has been upheld in a further 105 claims with 4 others being abandoned.

Last September, the WSIB created a dedicated review team made up of occupational disease adjudicators, occupational hygienists and physician experts.

The review team looked at 233 claims that had previously not been approved. The team reviewed each claim individually to apply any new evidence as well as updated scientific research that linked chemical exposure to particular diseases.

"Peterborough families were looking for answers and closure," said Armando Fatigati, WSIB Vice President of Complex Claims. "People brought forward new information and wanted to know that all of the evidence and latest scientific research was considered. We are confident these decisions reflect the most updated scientific research and all the available evidence."

In addition to looking at the evidence in each claim, reviewers also successfully located next of kin in 8 claims that had previously been abandoned. Next of kin were not able to be found in the remaining 45 previously abandoned claims.

Anyone who thinks they have a work-related illness related to GE Peterborough but is not sure if they have a claim with the WSIB can call 1-800-387-0750 (TTY: 1-800-387-0050) or visit



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WSIB media relations
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