Policy development at the WSIB

We want to make our policies easier to understand and apply, and make sure they are clear and consistent.

The Framework for Operational Policy Development and Renewal, and the Occupational Disease Policy Framework together guide how we develop policy at the WSIB and make the process more structured and transparent.

Policy agenda

Each year, we create an agenda that contains the WSIB’s policy priorities for the coming year. In addition to policies that need to be revised because of legislative amendments, we also include policy reviews that will require stakeholder engagement so that stakeholders have advance notice of the policies we plan to review in that year.

We’re looking forward to continuing to work with our stakeholders to review our policies in the future.

Policy renewal

 explains how we make sure policies are clear and up to date and provides appropriate guidance to staff and the public as to how they will be applied. To ensure consistency, all new or revised Operational Policy Manual (OPM) documents will be formatted using a new template.


Each year, we will review a series of policies and identify housekeeping updates. Housekeeping changes are restricted to non-substantive changes including:

  • revisions as a result of legislative, or regulatory amendments, or other policy changes
  • correction of outdated or inaccurate information or terminology
  • correction of typographical or grammatical errors
  • updates to legislative references

When we make housekeeping changes we post them on the Policy updates/clarifications page.

Have questions?

If you have questions about the Framework for Policy Development and Renewal, please contact Policy and Consultation Services at [email protected].