People with an injury or illness
If my wage is retroactively increased, does that impact my benefits retroactively as well?
Yes, if you are receiving a retroactive wage increase and your wage was below the maximum insurable earnings amount, then your benefits will also be updated.
How long will it take to see my updated benefits?
Many public sector employees are impacted by this change and we are working hard to update people’s benefits retroactively, but it will take some time.
How will I know if my claim is being reviewed? When will I be notified when an adjustment on my claim has been completed?
Please reach out to your employer on the status of the Bill 124 process and eligibility for retroactive benefits.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Please contact your employer for questions about the retroactive wage increases and status of Bill 124.
Are my employees eligible for a retroactive adjustment to their WSIB benefits?
If your employees were impacted by Bill 124 and have a claim that received loss of earnings benefits during the affected period, then they are eligible for a retroactive update to their benefits if the employees wage was below the maximum insurable earnings amount.
What documentation and or information do you need from me to update the benefits for employees?
Where do I submit that documentation?
Complete and submit the documents to [email protected].
Where can I find the retroactive wage increases for public sector employees spreadsheet to send to the WSIB?
How long will it take to update benefits for my employees?
How will this impact premiums and insurable earnings (i.e. reported earnings)?
Businesses with employees eligible to receive a retroactive adjustment to their WSIB benefits don’t have to update previously reported insurable earnings. Businesses should report any adjustments as insurable earnings, up to the regular maximum insurable earnings amount, in the year the wage was paid, rather than the year the person worked.
Retroactive adjustments to claims in the six-year rate-setting window could have an impact on a business’s premium rate(s) as adjusted claims will be considered in the same way as all other claims in the six-year rate-setting window.
Will I need to go back and reconcile for previous years affected by the retroactive wage increase?
No. Earnings are reported in the year that the wage was paid, rather than the year the person worked. In this case, you’ll report earnings related to the retroactive wage increase on the employees most current T4 which also means you’ll report any retroactive payments to your employees as insurable earnings for this year as well.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
Please email [email protected] if you need any additional support.