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Found 614 result(s)
The WSIB is funded by the premiums received from Ontario businesses. Your rate is based on the shared risk of all the businesses that do the same type of work in your…
Sprains and strains to soft tissues in the back, shoulder and wrist are among the leading causes of disability and discomfort in Ontario’s workforce.
The Centre of…
Bill 168 became law on June 15, 2010.
This new legislation is an addition to the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The changes strengthen protections for workers from…
Non-formulary drugs
We will consider request for coverage for medications that are not found in the drug benefit program formulary search on a case-by-case basis. For…
Privacy FAQ for health care practitioners
1. What are the guidelines for health care practitioners?
For information about guidelines for health care practitioners, visit…
How do I submit a record request?
Requests may be submitted by mail, in person, or online:
To submit a…
The Privacy Office is responsible for the WSIB’s compliance with the access and privacy scheme of FIPPA, including the processing of requests for access to WSIB records, the…
General records:
FIPPA Access and Privacy Files
FIPPA Program Support Files
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FIPPA)
This privacy statement for workers explains the information that the WSIB collects about you - by the organization.We're committed to protecting your privacy and the…
We're committed to addressing rising costs while maintaining the best possible care for injured and ill workers. Entering into strategic agreements for the products we…
If you are interested in becoming a WSIB supplier, refer to this section for a general overview of our procurement policies and processes, in order to ensure fair, open and…
Note: People with an approved hearing loss claim who require a new hearing aid as of November 18, 2024 will be provided with hearing services through our refreshed…
Queremos asegurarnos de que todas las personas reciban un trato justo y se mantengan seguras en el trabajo. Cuando los trabajadores agrícolas extranjeros se lesionan o…
When someone experiences a workplace injury or illness, we’re here to help them access the health care they need to recover and return to work. We take an integrated approach…
Programs of care are available for the most common musculoskeletal injuries and specific illnesses.To participate in a program, health care providers must complete the…
Learn about the fee schedule for various health care professions and find lists all of our pertinent forms. Importantly, you’ll find a summary of Part IV of the …
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]Website: program pricing:…