The WSIB places the highest value on being an ethical organization and expects all our public servants to act in an ethical manner at all times.
The values of accountability, collaboration, empathy, and integrity are the foundation of the WSIB’s Code of Business Ethics (COBE) and its corresponding program. For the WSIB to be successful, we must continue to build upon these core values and earn the confidence of our customers and stakeholders. The COBE reflects overarching values and is intended to provide clear and concise direction to our public servants regarding expected behaviour in the workplace.
Code of Business Ethics Principles
(These principles are an excerpt from the Code)
Integrity - we serve with integrity and transparency, in a manner that places public interest above personal interests. We recognize, avoid, and manage conflicts of interest when they arise.
Respect - we treat all people with respect, maintain positive and productive relationships and demonstrate civility in all our interactions. Harassment by or against anyone in the workplace or uncivil behaviour in the workplace is not tolerated, ignored, or condoned.
Inclusion - we support and maintain workplace conditions where everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute to their fullest potential and where all are treated with sensitivity, fairness, and dignity. Discrimination by or against anyone in the workplace is not tolerated, ignored, or condoned.
Wellness - we support, promote, and protect a healthy, safe, and psychologically safe workplace.
Accountability - we observe our obligations under relevant legislation, policies, procedures, practices, and guidelines and take ownership of our actions and conduct. Violations of legislation, policies, procedures, practices, and guidelines will be addressed in an appropriate manner.
Stewardship of Public Assets - we ensure careful, prudent and effective use of public dollars, assets and any resources entrusted to the WSIB, including private and confidential information. Misuse, fraud, theft, or abuse of such assets is not tolerated, ignored, or condoned.
Reporting a concern
If you have concerns about the behaviour of a WSIB public servant, we recommend the following steps:
- Raise your concern directly.
- If you are not satisfied, contact that person’s manager. WSIB customer service representatives (416-344-1000/1-800-387-0750) can give you the manager’s name and telephone number.
Reporting a concern to an external service
You can also report ethics concerns about someone working for us to a secure, third-party reporting service. This service documents ethics concerns and brings them forward to us for review. You can report your concerns anonymously.
You can report a concern 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
- By phone: call toll free 1-866-814-6512 to talk to a service representative or leave a voicemail.
- Online: visit the website and follow the instructions.
- By mail: send your concerns to P.O. Box 11017, Toronto, Ontario, M1E 1N0.
What to expect after reporting a concern
We take ethics concerns and violations seriously and work to address concerns effectively. We will always provide a safe space for reporting, and do not tolerate retaliation, coercion, dismissal, threats or intimidation of anyone who raises concerns.
All ethics concerns that are submitted through the third-party service are received by our President and CEO. Our Business Ethics Office will review the concerns and determine the appropriate action.
If you choose to identify yourself when reporting your concern, you will be notified about the status and outcome of your report. If you choose to report anonymously, you will not be notified about the status and outcome.
Current and former WSIB public servants external reporting options
Current and former WSIB Public Servants may also make a disclosure of wrongdoing to the Ontario Integrity Commissioner if:
- the matter relates to the behaviour of the President or Chair of the WSIB;
- you have reason to believe that it would not be appropriate to disclose the wrongdoing to the WSIB directly; or,
- you have already disclosed the wrongdoing to the WSIB but have concerns that the matter is not being dealt with appropriately.
Call the Ontario Integrity Commissioner at 416-314-1581 (toll free at 1-866-884-4470) or send an email to [email protected].
Conflict of interest obligations
Current and former WSIB public servants must comply with the WSIB’s Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF), which prohibits public servants from using their employment to benefit themselves or others. The policy helps in recognizing, avoiding, declaring and managing conflicts of interest when they arise. The goal is to ensure that conflicts of interest are resolved in a way that enhances public confidence and trust in the WSIB and the public service.
Former WSIB public servants who need to declare an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest should contact the Office of the Integrity Commissioner of Ontario at [email protected] or 416-314-8983 (toll free at 1-866-956-1191).