Better at Work

The "Better at Work" principle guides our approach to case management and is reflected in many of our policies and programs.

The Better at Work approach is supported by the following four key principles:

  • Work is important to overall well-being
  • Early intervention is key
  • Return to work enhances recovery and is part of the rehabilitation process
  • Barriers to return to work are often inappropriately 'medicalized'
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This study outlines the notion of Better at Work, how it relates to the WSIB and references other studies into best practices.


American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2006). ACOEM Guideline – Preventing needless work disability by helping people stay employed. Retrieved 14 December 2011.

Black, C (2008). Working for a healthier tomorrow: Dame Carol Black’s review of the health of Britain’s working age population. London: The Stationary Office, 17 March.

(Advice to stay active as a single treatment for low-back pain and sciatica) [Review] Hilde G, Hagen KB, Jamtvedt G, Winnem M. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Date of Most Recent Update: 23 August 2005. Date of Most Recent Substantive Update: 31 January 2002 {Cochrane Back Group}. 

Rueda, S, Chambers, L, Wilson, M, Mustard, C, Rourke, S, Bayoumi, A, Raboud, J, Lavis, J (2012). Association of returning to work with better health in working-aged adults: A systematic review. American Journal of Public Health. Volume 102, No. 3 p. 563.

Waddell, G and Burton AK (2006). Is Work Good for Your Health and Well-being? London: The Stationary Office.