Foreign Agricultural Worker Strategy

This information is available in Spanish.

Our Foreign Agricultural Worker Strategy is focused on helping to keep people in the federal Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) safe on the job, and able to access the services and treatment they need to recover and return to work in Ontario. If they have to return to their home country, our strategy ensures they are treated fairly.

The strategy has three pillars:

1. Prevention and compliance

We will support the SAWP program, including both participants and employers, by providing services to enhance health and safety knowledge, prevent injuries and illnesses, and get people back to work sooner.

2. Communication and engagement

We will lead improved collaboration and information sharing between industry stakeholders, liaison offices/consulates, various government departments and labour advocates to better support SAWP participants who become injured/ill on the job.

3. Case management

We will enhance the claims process for SAWP participants to focus on recovery and return to work outcomes and recognize the realities of the local labour markets after they return home. This means available jobs in the person’s local labour market rather than in Ontario will be considered if a SAWP participant is injured at work and is unable to return to work on the farm.


How do I know if my past claim will be re-examined?

Affected people can expect to be contacted directly by the WSIB starting the week of June 3, 2024.

In the meantime, if you have questions about a claim, please contact us at 1-800-387-0750.

What if my claim was before 2007? Why are you only re-examining claims back to 2007?

Under legislation, if someone who was injured at work cannot return to their original job but is able to return to other work, the WSIB is obligated to adjust their income replacement payments to reflect that suitable and available work.

The concept of considering work that was “available”, in addition to suitable, was added to the legislation in 2007. Until now, that has been interpreted to mean work available in Ontario, even for federal Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program participants unable to return to the province for non-farming work. Effective immediately, that obligation is now being interpreted to mean suitable and available work in the person’s home job market instead.

Therefore, we must re-examine claims filed since 2007 that received decisions based on suitable occupations in Ontario using this new methodology.

How long will it take to review the past claims?

We know that people want action and answers as soon as possible and are working as quickly and thoroughly as possible to review these claims and issue any applicable retroactive payments.

Who should I call if I have questions?

If someone has questions about their claim, they should contact us at 1-800-387-0750. Interpretation services are available. This Spanish-language video explains how to access an interpreter.