Neelon Casting claims

Anyone who believes they have a work-related illness that may have originated while working at Neelon Casting can contact us and file a claim.


Yes, if you worked at Neelon Casting and think you may have a work-related illness, you can file a claim. New claims can be filed at any time.  

It is the WSIB’s responsibility to determine the work-relatedness of claims and possible work-related claims should always be reported.

You can file a claim online or call us at 1-800-387-0750, Monday to Friday, from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm

You may also wish to file your claim via Jessica Montgomery at the USW Local 2020 office in Sudbury. She is working closely with the WSIB to help people file claims.

When we receive your claim we will assign you a claim number and a WSIB decision-maker who specializes in occupational disease. 

Your decision-maker will call you to provide you with your claim number and gather any additional information we need to process your claim. They will then review information from you, your employer(s), and your health-care provider(s) as well as any other supporting information to decide if you are eligible for WSIB benefits.

We know people are concerned and are looking for answers. We will work as quickly as possible to review all claims received. 

It’s important that we take the time to gather and review all relevant information, which may take some time in cases where historical information is necessary.  

When a decision on a claim is made, it will be communicated to the person making the claim (verbally and in writing), outlining the reasons for the decision.

Benefits for allowed claims will depend on the individual circumstances of the case. If your claim is allowed, we will help you get the treatment and services you need for your illness and to improve your quality of life. WSIB benefits can include prescription medications, wage replacement benefits and return-to-work services. Survivor benefits may also be available if a claim is established and accepted on behalf of a deceased worker.

Yes. New claims can be filed at any time.

Please complete the
form so we can share information with your representative.


Please call us at 1-800-387-0750 and inform the telephone representative that you have questions about a Neelon Casting claim.