WSIB Statement in response to announcement of provincial review of work-related cancers
Toronto, April 13, 2018 - We help people every day who have seen their lives changed as the result of a workplace injury or illness. We welcome the announcement of Dr. Paul Demers leading a review of work-related cancers and look forward to working with him.
The scientific research related to occupational disease, particularly cancer, continues to evolve. Our team of experts regularly update our practices to reflect new scientific research. Our dedicated staff who make decisions on cancer related claims always look at what substances people were exposed to, how long they were exposed, and what scientific evidence is available to support a link between that exposure and any form of cancer.
We know when illness develops, people have questions. We ask those questions too. That’s why we recently launched a study and engaged Dr. Demers to determine if there is a scientific link between McIntyre powder and neurological diseases. We look forward to continuing to work with him on that important study and this new review of work-related cancers.
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