Rate Framework (Archived): Message from Chair and President & CEO

On November 14, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s (WSIB) Board of Directors approved the Rate Framework. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we would like to thank you for your ongoing support as we look towards a targeted implementation in January 2019, at the earliest. This approval will allow the WSIB to move forward with the important work of implementation, including significant system modifications necessary for a 2019 implementation.

While the Rate Framework has been approved, it is with the recognition that it is flexible, adaptable and responsive to further stakeholder engagement and the on-going monitoring of the Framework itself as it moves towards implementation.

The WSIB is committed to ensuring the Rate Framework is implemented in a manner that fosters stability. Starting in 2017, the WSIB will undertake further education and outreach efforts, including further discussion on the promotion of occupational health and safety, to ensure a broader understanding of the new approach.

It is important to highlight that the Framework itself is rooted in Key Goals that were established early in the discussions to support the development of the Rate Framework.

In establishing these Key Goals, there was a specific focus on establishing a Rate Framework that is responsive and reflective of workplace risks compared to industry peers providing an incentive for sustained occupational health and safety efforts to reduce workplace injuries and safely return injured workers to productive work. In doing so, the objective is to ensure that occupational health and safety is top of mind for workplaces as it relates to their premiums.

Specifically, as identified in the August Stakeholder Update (PDF), the model is flexible to consider occupational health and safety factors (e.g. potential leading indicators, or compliance outcomes under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, or the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act), to impact premium rate outcomes for employers. This is in addition to other efforts and programs, outside the Rate Framework, undertaken by the WSIB in furtherance of its mandate to promote occupational health and safety.

As we move towards implementation, we look forward to our continued engagement with stakeholders. We encourage interested stakeholders to communicate with our Consultation Secretariat for any questions or additional information at consultation_secretariat@wsib.on.ca.

Yours truly,

Elizabeth Witmer signature





Elizabeth Witmer

Tom Teahen signature





Thomas Teahen
President & CEO

November 2016