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The Q1 2017 Report to Stakeholders shows that the first quarter of 2017 brought strong results for injured workers and strong financial results.
Some operational highlights…
During the first quarter of 2017, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board saw strengthened outcomes for injured workers. We also saw steady improvement in our financial…
The first half of 2017 saw significant improvements in our financial position, along with better outcomes for people who were injured at work.
One highlight for this quarter…
For over 100 years, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board has supported people who have been injured at work, and their families. It’s a responsibility we take very…
In Q3, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) continued to build on our successes by improving health and safety outcomes and our financial position.
Here are some…
2017 ended on a strong note.
The lost-time injury (LTI) rate for Schedule 1 employers remained low, at 0.92 allowed lost-time claims per 100 people, and was below historic…
The WSIB carried out a policy consultation on the core rate framework policies from August 2017 to January 2018.
The feedback received was valuable and helped to inform the…
Message from Chair and President & CEO
On November 14, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s (WSIB) Board of Directors approved the Rate Framework. On behalf of the…
Changes to Class G - Construction
As of January 1, 2018, certain business activities that were previously classified under Class G –Construction, will be moving to a new…
Current model
Updated class structure
These are some of the updated classes that business activities would move to…
To help Ontario businesses understand our premium rate-setting model, we will be offering webinars that will provide you with more information about the new model and a…
With the implementation of the new rate setting model in January 2020, we updated our classification structure to align with the North American Industry Classification System…
The Real Estate & Facilities Management (REFM) Department develops and delivers timely, cost-effective and innovative solutions across the WSIB that provides a safe,…
Equipment Maintenance Files
Lease Documents
Service Contracts
Space Planning Management – Existing Floorplans
Space Planning Management –…
Click on the "more information" icons within the guide for more information about each section.Reconciliation form sample page 1…
Did you know that WSIB coverage isn’t mandatory for every business in Ontario? The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act…
We may consider a replacement request before the five-year renewal date in certain conditions regardless of the age of the aid. This can include cases where there is a change…
We’re here to helpWe understand compassionate, timely and knowledgeable support is critical when a fatality or catastrophic injury happens on the job. We’re here to support…
We’re here to helpWhen an injury or illness happens on the job, we provide wage-loss benefits, medical coverage and support to help people recover and get back to work.…
AudioVisualHappy, energetic background music is playing.WSIB logoBackground musicNew to the WSIB or need a refresh on your premium responsibilities?Reporting and paying…
On this page:
The consultation process
Report an injury, illness or exposure.