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Found 608 result(s)
General Administration records covers a variety of subject matter of concern to program areas across the WSIB not found elsewhere in the WSIB Records Retention Schedules for…
Advertising and Promotional Material
Associations and Organizations
Board of Director’s Working Materials
Business Continuity Planning/Continuity of Operations and…
General records:
Audit Documentation – Final Reports
Audit Documentation – Working Papers
Audit Management
We’re here to help you
A number of WSIB staff may be involved in assisting you with the return-to-work process, supporting the activities of you and your return to work. We…
We’re here to help you
A number of WSIB staff may be involved in assisting you with the return-to-work process, supporting your successful return to work. We ensure that the…
If you need to report a workplace injury or illness:businesses can fill out an…
Goal attainment scaling is a client-centred approach that facilitates the setting of individualized meaningful goals in treatment and allows you to monitor the…
The goal bank is a list of possible general goals for psychological treatment in the WSIB Mental Health Programs. These goals help prompt thinking and discussion between the…
On this page:
Authority of the Committee
Access to the Committee…
Estamos aquí para ayudar. Cuando ocurre una lesión o enfermedad en el trabajo, actuamos con rapidez para proporcionar beneficios por pérdida de ingresos, cobertura médica y…
Estamos aqui para o ajudar. Quando ocorre uma lesão ou doença durante o trabalho, agimos depressa para oferecer subsídios por perda salarial, cobertura médica e ajuda para…
This section summarizes Part IV of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 as it relates to health professionals.Definition of health…
Everyone has an important role in keeping their workplace healthy and safe. Learn more about how you can help make your workplace safer – including everyone’s rights and…
It's important that your workplace is safe for your employees and customers. Learn more about how to make your workplace as safe as possible and where to find resources and…
Our program providers are health and safety professionals approved by the WSIB to deliver the Health and Safety Excellence program. Providers help you develop your action…
You can enroll in the Health and Safety Excellence program by selecting and contacting a WSIB-approved program provider.You must have an active WSIB account and at least one…
Our Health and Safety Excellence program helps you make your workplace safer, while earning rebates on your WSIB premiums. Plus, you can receive an extra $1,000 once you get…
Join the Health and Safety Excellence program You can get started today by choosing a WSIB-approved program provider who will help you develop an action plan to improve…
Our Health and Safety Excellence program helps you make your workplace safer, while earning rebates on your WSIB premiums. You choose a…
How safe are Ontario’s workplaces and are they getting safer?
We are here to help you recover after a workplace injury or illness. We pay for all approved health care costs related to your claim, even if you have not missed time at work…