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Found 608 result(s)
You can ensure you receive your WSIB benefit payments quickly and efficiently by using the WSIB’s direct deposit services.Direct deposit is a fast, safe and easy way to…
You can use a third-party representative to provide advice and help you interact with us. Authorized representatives can receive verbal or written information from us about…
Our records
We keep records ranging from corporate information to reference material to personal information, which are described below in the Directory…
General records:
Internal and External Policy Advice
Occupational Disease Scientific Reviews and Opinions
Policy Development – Original Approved Policies
Update July 26, 2023
The first phase of our consultation began on June 8, 2023 and closed on July 21, 2023. We appreciate all the feedback received, which overwhelmingly…
Each year, we are required under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act to conduct a value-for-money audit. The latest audit focused on the dispute resolution, appeals and…
Most Ontario businesses that have employees (including family members and sub-contractors) must register with us. We provide workplace insurance to 16 diverse industries and…
On this page:
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
2. Occupational disease legislative and policy scheme…
The Drug Advisory Committee was established in 2007 to guide WSIB on which drugs to include in our drug benefit plan as well as the medical conditions and criteria needed for…
Each year, we are required under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA) to have an external firm review the cost, efficiency, and effectiveness of one of our programs…
Onabotulinumtoxin-A, incobotulinumtoxin-A, abobotulinumtoxin-A
OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox®) is indicated for the treatment of blepharospasm/VII…
Buprenorphine/naloxone (SL), buprenorphine subdermal implant and buprenorphine extended-release (ER) injection
Buprenorphine/naloxone sublingual (SL) tablet (…
Prevention of migraine in adults who have at least four migraine days per month.
Formulary Status
The WSIB Drug Advisory Committee (DAC) recommended that…
Corticosteroid injections in musculoskeletal conditions
Indications/Clinical uses
Treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions including neck and upper…
AudioVisualUpbeat, inspiring background music is playingWSIB logoAmirah’s voice says: Innovation plays a really large role in the WSIB.Three people are congregating outside a…
Nuestra Estrategia para los trabajadores agrícolas extranjeros se centra en ayudar a que las personas del Programa Federal de Trabajadores Agrícolas Temporales (SAWP, por sus…
We consider you to be an executive officer in a corporation with employees if you meet the following criteria:
You control the direction of part or the entire…
Expanded compulsory coverage in construction means that people who own or run a business in construction, with or without employees, must have coverage with the WSIB and need…
The expanded goal bank is a list of possible general goals and explicit goals for psychological treatment in the WSIB Mental Health Programs. These goals help prompt thinking…
Our premium rate-setting model has replaced our experience rating programs (NEER and CAD-7) and all programs concluded in fall 2020.
As outlined in policy 13-02-02 (…