How to send us legal proceeding documents
If you need to send us documents to be used in a court or legal proceeding involving the WSIB, or in which the WSIB is a party (e.g., application or motion materials), please email your request to [email protected] or call us at 416-344-2953.
Your message should include:
- your name
- email address
- address
- phone number
- A description of the documents that you wish to send. Please do not send the documents with this email.
Once we receive your email, our Legal team will create a secure electronic document exchange channel between you and our legal professionals. Once created, you can use it to securely send us your sensitive and confidential legal proceedings documents.
If you need to send us documents for a case that is not criminal in nature, such as statements of claim, contact us before sending any legal documents so that we can create a secure electronic document exchange channel with you.
Types of accepted documents
We’ll use our electronic document exchange channel to accept any documents that may be used in a court case or legal proceeding involving the WSIB or in which the WSIB is a party. Some examples include:
- Notice of claim
- Statement of claim
- Application material (including Charter applications) (including, factums, transcripts, affidavits)
- Motion material (including, factums, transcripts, affidavits)
More information
By using this secure document transfer channel of communication, the WSIB does not waive any of its rights, time periods or any requirements for personal service under the Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules of the Small Claims Court or other applicable rules of court or tribunal.
This method of communication is provided solely for the purpose of setting up a secure exchange of documents to be used in a legal proceeding.
It is not for submitting general inquiries about the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, claims, accounts, or appeals regarding claims or accounts. To upload a claim-related document, please visit
Please note we cannot provide any form of legal advice to external parties.