Workplace Health & Safety Services - Personal Information Bank


Accident Cost Statements and Cost & Frequency Reports

Title Accident Cost Statements and Cost & Frequency Reports
Type Personal Information Bank
Description Accident cost statements contain a list of an employer’s claims and claim costs paid out on a claim. Cost & Frequency Reports contain claim cost details and frequency details for a specific firm
Division Prevention division
Legal Authority Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. S.O. 1997, c. 16, Sched. A
Uses Used to monitor employer’s costs of a specific claim and to calculate the amount of the employer’s experience rating
Users Prevention staff
Individuals in Bank Claimants
Retention and disposal Onsite – CCY + 10 years (for microfiche). Paper records are destroyed after microfiched. 
Offsite – 50 years


Workplace Fatality Case Files

Title Workplace Fatality Case Files
Type Personal Information Bank
Description Records relating to workplace fatality case files including correspondence to and from employer, police report notes and pictures, coroner’s report, fire department report, interview notes, in-house memos, employer documentation, and Ministry of Labour documentation.
Division Prevention division
Legal Authority Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. S.O. 1997, c. 16, Sched. A
Uses To support workplace fatality case file decisions made
Users Prevention staff
Individuals in Bank Claimants
Retention and disposal Onsite – CCY + 1 year after case is closed 
Offsite – 6 years
