WSIB/CRA information sharing agreement

The agreement

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and the WSIB signed a Memorandum of Understanding agreement in 2004. This formal agreement allows both organizations to exchange information for the purposes of enforcing or administering their respective programs.

The agreement sets out the rules, protected by strict privacy and confidentiality guidelines, which allow the WSIB to exchange information with the CRA. This information can only be used to ensure businesses and employees comply with the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act (WSIA).

The exchange of information between organizations ensures a fair system where everyone contributes their share and meets their responsibilities under federal and provincial regulations.

Legal authorization

Section 241(4)(n) of the Income Tax Act authorizes the CRA to provide tax payer information to any workers’ compensation board in Canada for the purpose of the “administration or enforcement” of each respective province’s and territory’s compensation legislation.

The CRA collects information from the Government of Ontario, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, in accordance with the Income Tax Act and Part IX of the Excise Tax Act for administration and enforcement of tax legislation. A full list of uses and disclosures of personal information are described in Personal Information Banks (PIBs) in the CRA Chapter of the Info Source publication. Under the federal Privacy Act, individuals have a right of access to, correction of, and protection of their personal information. Learn how the CRA protects personal information and your rights under the federal Privacy Act.

Section 159(9) of WSIA enables the WSIB to enter into agreements with the Government of Canada. Subsequently, the WSIB and CRA established a formal Memorandum of Understanding agreement.

Information shared

We work with the CRA to exchange confidential information of businesses and taxpayers with the purpose of enforcing or administering our programs.

More information

For more information about the information sharing agreement from the WSIB, please contact:

  • Director, Stakeholder Compliance Services 
    Telephone: 416-344-1000 or Toll free: 1-800-387-0750
    TTY: 1-800-387-0050

For more information about the information sharing agreement from CRA, please contact:

  • Director, Provincial and Territorial Affairs Division
    Policy, Planning, Partnerships and Reporting Directorate
    Service, Innovation and Integration Branch
    Email: [email protected]