WSIB Scientific Advisory Table on Occupational Disease

The WSIB is committed to a transparent occupational disease policy process informed by high-quality scientific evidence. We continually monitor the evolving state of scientific evidence to better understand causal relationships between occupational risk factors and disease outcomes.

Drawing on recommendations from the Demers report - Using scientific evidence and principles to help determine the work-relatedness of cancer - released in July 2020 and the KPMG, "Value for Money Audit Report: Occupational Disease and Survivor Benefit Program", released in 2019, the WSIB has developed an Occupational Disease Strategy to help us achieve a more responsive and sustainable approach to occupational disease policy and decision-making.

One of the main areas of focus of the strategy, recommended by both reports, was to establish a Scientific Advisory Table on Occupational Disease (the “Table”) to support occupational disease policy development.

Together with other foundational activities in the strategy, including the development of an Occupational Disease Policy Framework and leveraging our Research and Grants Program to ensure the collection of up-to-date scientific evidence to support evidence-based decision-making, the Table plays an important role in supporting the occupational disease policy development process.

For more information on our occupational disease policy initiatives in progress, including information about the Table, please visit our Occupational Disease Policy webpage.

The Table is comprised of experts drawn from scientific disciplines relevant to occupational disease as well as one member appointed from Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario), one from Public Health Ontario (PHO) to provide a system wide perspective on occupational disease and one non-voting WSIB member.

Establishing the Table is one way we can ensure we are relying on the best scientific evidence available when we look at occupational disease claims.

The Table makes recommendations to help us decide on:

  • the scope of scientific reviews in order to answer specific questions at hand;
  • the experts that could be consulted;
  • possible peer-reviewers and the clarification of the reviewer's comments;
  • assessment and potential options in the case of contradictory opinions; and
  • general ad hoc occupational disease issues

Read the Scientific Advisory Table on Occupational Disease Terms of Reference.

Scientific Advisory Table on Occupational Disease Members

  1. Anil Adisesh, MB ChB, MSc, MD, FRCP, FFOM, FFCI

    Occupational Medicine Physician, Chief Medical Officer at Canadian Health Solutions, Saint John, NB Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Business, University of New Brunswick, Saint John

  2. Victoria Arrandale, PhD, ROH

    Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

  3. Donald C. Cole, MD, MSc, FRCP(C)

    Emeritus Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Occupational, Environmental and Public Health Medicine Consultant

  4. Marianne Levitsky, MES, CIH, ROH, FAIHA

    Adjunct Lecturer, Occupational and Environmental Health Division, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

    Senior Associate, ECOH Management Inc. Founding President and Board member, Workplace Health Without Borders

  5. Paul Villeneuve, PhD, MSc, BMath

    Professor, Department of Neuroscience and School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University

  6. Cameron Mustard, ScD

    Adjunct Scientist, Institute for Work & Health, Toronto Ontario

    Professor (emeritis), Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Appointed members

Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario)

Paul A. Demers, MSc, PhD
Director, Occupational Cancer Research Centre, Ontario Health
Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Clinical Professor, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia

Public Health Ontario

Vincent Spilchuk, MD, FRCPC, MScCH
Residency Program Director, Division of Occupational Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto Assistant Professor, Division of Occupational Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
Occupational Medicine Consultant, Environmental and Occupational Health, Public Health Ontario Occupational Medicine Consultant, Employee Health, Wellness, and Safety, Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga


Tiffany K. Turnbull, LL.B.
Vice President, Operational Policy Branch, WSIB Steering Committee Member, Occupational Cancer Research Centre

About the Scientific Advisory Table on Occupational Disease

1. Purpose

The Table provides expert scientific advice to the WSIB to support policy development and scheduling. The Table’s membership represents the scientific disciplines most relevant to occupational disease to ensure that their qualifications and extensive experience optimize the quality of advice provided. To date, the Table members have been instrumental in providing scientific advice that led to the further identification and recognition of occupational diseases in regulation and policy, as well as updated policy guidance. This approach supports informed, timely and consistent decision making.

By providing scientific advice, the Table supports the WSIB in fulfilling its legislative obligations to workers, and to survivors of deceased workers, who experience an occupational disease due to the nature of their employment.

2. Mandate

The Table’s mandate is to provide advice to the WSIB on:

  • the scope of scientific reviews in order to answer specific questions at hand;
  • the experts that could be consulted;
  • identifying potential peer-reviewers and the clarification of a reviewer's comments;
  • assessment and potential options in the case of contradictory opinions; and
  • general ad hoc occupational disease issues.

3. Qualifications

Qualified candidates must:

  • possess a professional designation or doctoral degree from a recognized institution in at least one of the following disciplines:
    • occupational epidemiology,
    • toxicology,
    • occupational medicine,
    • occupational hygiene, or
    • some other appropriate professional designation;
  • actively (or recently actively) practice and/or research in such settings and with such experience as may be desired by the WSIB (e.g., university, hospital or academic settings with critical appraisal expertise);
  • have extensive experience (10 or more years) in their discipline, in practice or in research;
  • be licensed in good standing in Ontario (for regulated health professionals).

4. Selection process

The WSIB will review all applications received against the skills and requirements set out for Table members. We select individuals that provides a blend of qualifications and experiences most likely to complement the existing expertise represented at the Table.

The individuals selected to the Table are required to sign a contract with the WSIB for a term to be determined at the WSIB’s discretion (e.g., to ensure and maintain the appropriate available expertise and continuity from year to year), but a member’s tenure is expected to be two to three years, subject to renewal at the WSIB’s option.

The WSIB may remove, replace, or add new members to the Table as current and changing requirements evolve over the life of the Table. New members may be self-nominated, nominated by a current Table member, nominated by an association, or the WSIB may issue a call for interest via an Expression of Interest to qualified individuals. Individuals will undergo the same selection process, and the same level of due diligence will be taken in the selection of members regardless of the manner in which they are put forward.

5. Conflict of interest

Selected member must be willing to comply with Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality requirements of the government of Ontario and the WSIB.

6. Compensation and meeting cadence

Members are compensated in accordance with similar advisory tables. The Table meets approximately four or five meetings per year, with optional sub-committee meetings (e.g. specific topics that may require further discussion but not all Table members have expertise). The WSIB will set compensation for members which is not negotiable.

7. How to apply

The WSIB is not currently accepting applications for new members. Any future opportunities will be announced on this website, so please check back for updates.