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Single zone…
The musculoskeletal program of care is a community-based health care program delivered by members of regulated health care professions under their respective Colleges’…
Anyone who believes they have a work-related illness that may have originated while working at Neelon Casting can contact us and file a claim.
We apply probable pay deductions to your average earnings to arrive at the net average earnings (NAE) that we use to determine the amount of benefits we pay you. Once average…
We’ve received funding from the Career Ready Fund (CRF). The CRF is part of the…
Our new premium rate-setting model is replacing existing experience rating programs. Businesses will receive their final NEER and CAD-7 statements in the fall of 2020.…
The Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Program of Care (mTBI POC) is a community-based health care program designed for early care of injured people with non-complex mTBI/concussion…
AudioVisualSoft music is playingWSIB logoBackground musicA life can change in a moment, in ways you’d never imagine.[Eli is speaking.] It was the 23rd of October 2017.A…
What is noise and how does it cause hearing loss?
Noise is any unwanted sound that doesn’t happen in a natural environment. Noise can include sounds coming from machinery,…
Hearing test performed by a trained health-care professional to measure the amount of someone’s…
In our new model, non-exempt partners and executive officers in construction, who were previously classified under rate group 755, will continue to receive a separate premium…
Closing date: May 31, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. (EST)
To express interest and obtain an application form, please email [email protected].…
Closing date: May 31, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. (EST)
To express interest and obtain an application form, please email [email protected].
An occupational disease is a health problem caused by exposure to a workplace health hazard, for example:CancerAsthmaAsbestosis and silicosisInhalation of substances and…
Each year, we are required under Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA) to have an external firm review the cost, efficiency, and effectiveness of one or more WSIB…
An occupational disease is a health problem caused by exposure to a workplace health hazard. Your workplace should be healthy for your body and mind. You can help keep…
On this page:1. Introduction1.1. Background2. Occupational disease legislative and policy scheme2.1. …
As part of the WSIB’s Occupational Disease Strategy, a key foundational piece of work to…
Physicians play a key role in the prevention and early recognition of occupational diseases. By recognizing occupational disease early, you can helpEnsure a better outcome…
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WSIB Research and Grants Program
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Funding overview
Funding opportunity
The occupational health hub provides physician-led assessment and consultation services to support recovery and return-to-work education and planning. It provides…