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A man is wearing a facemask and putting on a…
My business has a websiteYou can complete the business activity change request form if your business has a website and you think you’re being classified improperly, your…
We understand audits can make many people nervous, but we’re here to help.By working together, we can:evaluate whether you’re complying with your legislative requirements and…
Please note: On January 1, 2020, our new premium rate-setting model goes live for businesses. All B2B Form 7 users are required to download the new form 7 schema to submit…
To help reduce the financial burden of the COVID-19 pandemic on Ontario businesses, we provided the opportunity to defer premiums due between March to August 2020.
Selling your business includes the sale of assets or shares.Asset saleIf you're selling or purchasing a business’ assets, you should get a purchase certificate. We need to be…
By-application insurance covers employees in businesses that aren’t required by law to be covered by the WSIB. Businesses that choose to apply for WSIB coverage are given the…
A by-law relating generally to the transaction of the business and affairs of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.
Article 1: Definitions and interpretation…
Our new premium rate-setting model is replacing existing experience rating programs. Businesses will receive their final NEER and CAD-7 statements in the fall of 2020.…
WSIB coverage isn’t mandatory for everyone in Ontario. The Government of Ontario decides which industries and which types of employees have to have WSIB coverage, and lists…
Getting your chequeAs of January 6, 2025, we have resumed sending all benefit payment cheques through Canada Post. Please visit …
Legal or trade name changesTo change the legal name of your corporation, please submit the Articles of Amendment …
The WSIB will no longer reduce non-economic loss and permanent disability benefits for most people with claims for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), who also have…
Learn about your rights and responsibilities including benefit entitlement, return to work and recovery, and compliance.We also offer a Survivor Benefit Program, which…
You have the responsibility to report workplace injuries or illnesses to us and participate in the return-to-work process as a WSIB insured business.You can use our…
When a business takes a contract to carry out a construction activity, the overall purpose of the contract determines the business activity and North American Industry…
A clearance is a unique number issued by the WSIB to registered businesses, which shows that a business, contractor or subcontractor is registered and up-to-date with us,…
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) may consider requests for an exception-level hearing aid as a clinical exception for people that have entitlement to hearing-…
You may ask to close your account when you have stopped operating your business or no longer have employees. You must notify us within 10 days of this happening.You can…
Faster. Online. Anytime. WSIB’s online services are available 24/7, whenever you need them. They’re quick and efficient, and…
You should be aware of what your …