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Found 608 result(s)
Purchases of approved health care equipment and supplies for workers are made from one of these four preferred suppliers: McKesson Retail Banner Management, Motion, Ontario…
List of health care equipment suppliers…
We want to help health care practitioners better understand and interact with our workplace safety and insurance system. We also hope to create effective working…
Work-related hearing loss is an occupational disease covered under…
Work-related hearing loss can be caused either by an acute traumatic event or by prolonged exposure to excessive noise levels.Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most…
Use our directory to find a hearing health care provider delivering the hearing services program, or report changes or corrections to a directory listing. Search using any of…
OverviewOur hearing services program is an evidence-based bundled services plan for people with noise-induced or traumatic hearing loss.We developed the program with the…
We believe that our customers are important in shaping our future. We’re recruiting people like you to join our research panel for surveys, focus groups, and user testing, to…
We’re here to help you recover and get back to work after a workplace injury or illness. With our help, 9 out of 10 people injured on the job return to work within 12 months…
To calculate your premium, multiply your gross insurable earnings by your premium rate and divide by 100. If you have more than one NAICS code, you'll need to…
We need your consent before communicating with you via email in some instances. You can also submit documents and…
Your premium rate summary statement provides your current premium rate details and what they're projected to be in the future.
The sample statement explains the key terms…
*Please note most banks no longer accept WSIB payments in person. The WSIB doesn’t determine which payment methods are offered by the banks. Premium reportingPremium…
Reporting insurable earningsEarnings to includeTotal T4 earnings: the total earnings of your employee’s T4 slips, (line 14 of your total T4 Summary filed with Canada Revenue…
Human Resources is the administrative function concerned with the administration of employees and employee services. The series in this section contain information about…
General records:
Collective Agreement
Employment Equity
Employment Transition
Health and Safety
HR Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, and…
Administration and Production – Policy and Procedures
Human Resources – Policy and Procedures
Organization Manual (WCB) Ontario
Research and…
Abusive Behaviour Case Files
Abusive Behaviour Case Files
Personal Information Bank…
Chúng tôi luôn sẵn sàng hỗ trợ. Khi xảy ra thương tích hoặc bệnh tật trong khi làm việc, chúng tôi sẽ nhanh chóng làm việc để cung cấp các khoản trợ cấp do mất lương, bảo…
If you’ve been injured or become ill on the job
If we’ve paid you wage loss benefits we’re required by law to give you a T5007 statement for each tax year.
We’ll mail you a…
Phase two - Independent living policy consultation (Serious Injury Program value-for-money audit consultation)IntroductionUnder the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (…