The WSIB considers insurable earnings to include:
when determining the amount that an employer is liable to contribute to the insurance fund.
See Appendix I for a list of items considered insurable and Appendix II for a list of items considered non-insurable for premium calculation purposes.
With the exception of those items listed as non-insurable in Appendix II, all other earnings are considered insurable for WSIB purposes. Examples of the most common insurable earnings are listed in Appendix I, which is a general list and is not exhaustive.
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines on determining the insurable earnings of workers, and contractors covered as workers, through their principal's WSIB account.
For information on insurable earnings in the construction industry, see 14-02-18, Insurable Earnings - Construction.
Principal - A person or business entity awarding or letting a contract to a contractor or sub-contractor.
Contractor and sub-contractor - A person or business entity providing contractual services to a principal. The business relationship between a principal and a contractor includes the relationship between a contractor (the principal in this relationship) and a sub-contractor (the contractor in this relationship). Therefore, the term "contractor" includes sub-contractor in this policy.
What are earnings?
The term "earnings" relates to the individual worker; whereas, the term "payroll" is the total earnings of all workers reported by the employer. Earnings are the total employment earnings of a worker from any source, which are capable of being estimated in terms of money.
There are two kinds of earnings, insurable and non-insurable. Only insurable earnings, subject to the maximum insurable earnings set each year, are included in the premium calculation.
Insurable earnings for premium calculation purposes are not always the same as average earnings for benefit purposes, see 18-02-02, Determining Short-Term Average Earnings.
Section 25(1) employer contributions for employment benefits on behalf of injured workers are not considered earnings, and are not included in the calculation of premiums.
In industries other than construction, sole proprietors, independent operators, partners, and executive officers of corporations, as accepted by the WSIB, are not considered workers, are not insured by the WSIB, and their earnings are not included in insurable earnings unless they have voluntarily elected WSIB optional insurance. See 12-03-02, Optional Insurance, and 12-03-03, Who Can Obtain Optional Insurance?.
Unless otherwise stated, any subsequent reference to contractors refers to individuals in industries other than construction.
What are insurable earnings?
Insurable earnings include earnings derived from methods of payment such as:
Insurable earnings include amounts reported on an earnings statement, or wage slip before any deductions are made for income tax, Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), health care plans, loan payments, union dues.
For a non-exhaustive list of insurable earnings see Appendix I.
Determining the status of contractors
If a contractor does not employ workers and is:
then the contractor and the principal are required to complete the appropriate industry-specific, or general questionnaire used by the WSIB to determine whether the person is a worker or an independent operator for WSIB purposes. For the policy about determining a person’s status as a worker or an independent operator, see 12-02-01, Workers and Independent Operators.
Contractors ruled independent operators by the WSIB can apply for WSIB optional insurance. For further details, see 12-03-02, Optional Insurance.
Principal responsible to report earnings
Contractors considered workers
When the principal or the WSIB, following a worker's status determination, considers a contractor, who works alone, to be a worker, the principal who purchases the contracted service must report and pay premiums on the worker’s earnings based on the labour portion of the contract value.
The contractor’s insurable earnings (and the premiums based on those earnings) are subject to retroactive add-back to the principal’s account according to 14-02-06, Employer Premium Adjustments.
Retroactive liability for an unregistered contractor under s.141(2)
If a contractor who is not registered as an employer with the WSIB for any portion of the period under contract with the principal is found to have employed workers, then the principal is liable to pay the premiums owed retroactively for the insurable labour portion of the contract between the principal and the contractor. This portion of the insurable earnings is retroactively added-back to the principal’s account under s.141(1),(2), and (4).
The extent of the add-back of earnings to the principal is determined by 14-02-06, Employer Premium Adjustments.
Determining the labour portion of the contract
Adequate records
When business records, contractor’s invoices, or written contracts accurately identify the actual labour portion of the contract by identifying the amounts allocated and billed for labour, and for materials, equipment and/or installation supplies, the labour portion is treated as the contractor’s gross insurable earnings.
Adequate records are defined as those records where the amounts allocated and paid for labour and building supplies and/or installation supplies are verifiable as accurate upon audit by the WSIB.
Other insurable earnings calculations
For information about insurable earnings:
To calculate the portion of insurable earnings and the resulting premiums payable to the Ontario WSIB when:
see 14-02-12, Insurable Earnings - Interjurisdictional Agreement.
Landscaping contracts
For the purpose of this policy, the table below applies in two situations.
Contractor considered worker
If all the following conditions are met:
then the labour portion of the contract between the contractor and the principal is determined by Column A of the table.
Unregistered contractor under s.141(2)
The table is also used in cases where the WSIB finds that an unregistered contractor has employed workers. In these cases, if there is evidence that the contractor supplied major materials or heavy equipment, then the WSIB uses Column B to determine the labour portion of the contract between the contractor and the principal.
If there is no evidence that the contractor supplied major materials or heavy equipment, then the WSIB uses Column C.
Trade | Column A Labour and material* No help | Column B Labour and help** With material* | Column C Labour and help** No material* |
Landscaping | 33 1/3% | 25% | 60% |
Notes for the table
Major materials means major structural, mechanical and electrical components, such as:
Major materials do not include items such as:
Heavy equipment means any large item of capital equipment used in the landscaping industry, such as:
What are non-insurable earnings?
Some earnings are not included for the calculation of premiums. The common are:
See Appendix II for a list of items considered non-insurable, for premium calculation purposes.
Maximum amount of insurable earnings
The WSIA sets annual maximum average earnings as the basis for the calculation of benefits. In addition, the WSIA provides that the insurable earnings of an individual worker for the purpose of premium calculation be limited to an annual maximum amount of insurable earnings.
The annual maximum for insurable earnings set by the WSIB goes into effect January 1st of each year.
Excess earnings
Excess earnings for an individual worker are any earnings that are above the annual maximum insurable earnings amount. Excess earnings are not insurable and premiums are not paid on them. Employers pay premiums on gross insurable earnings until the earnings of the worker reaches the annual maximum insurable earnings amount.
A worker has gross insurable earnings of $68,000 for the calendar year. The WSIB maximum amount of insurable earnings for that year was $65,600. The employer is, therefore, responsible to pay premiums on the worker’s insurable earnings until the annual maximum of $65,600 has been reached. The difference of $2,400 is considered excess earnings and is not subject to premiums.
In years where the maximum insurable earnings and maximum average earnings are different:
Multiple classification codes
The following guidelines apply when the employer has more than one classification code, and the employer is determining insurable earnings for calculating premiums for:
Employers with an account having more than one business activity in more than one classification code are required to allocate insurable earnings amounts to each classification code.
Employers must have segregated wage records in order to have multiple classification codes. The general rules for assigning separate classification codes for multiple business activities are provided in 14-01-01, The Classification Structure. If employers have been assigned multiple classification codes and do not have segregated payrolls/wage records, they should contact the WSIB.
An employer with segregated payrolls may have workers dedicated exclusively to each classification code, or workers may perform business activities in more than one classification code. As long as segregated wage records are maintained for each worker, insurable earnings can be assigned to multiple classification codes, see policy 14-01-01, The Classification Structure.
Separate classification for construction
The separate classification codes for non-exempt partners or executive officers in construction are distinct from other construction classification codes, and are to be used only for reporting the insurable earnings of non-exempt partners or executive officers who are eligible.
For the purpose of classifying non-exempt partners or executive officers in construction, construction work refers to any manual work of a skilled or unskilled nature, the operation of equipment or machinery, or the direct on-site supervision of workers. Periodic on-site visits are permitted, provided that the partner or executive officer is not performing construction work on the site.
For more information about coverage in construction, see 12-01-06, Expanded Compulsory Coverage in Construction.
Direct earnings
Direct earnings are insurable earnings that can be assigned to a classification code (based on the business activity performed) directly from the segregated records of the worker’s wages. The segregated wage records must clearly show the earnings based on labour time spent in each business activity. For employers whose accounts have only one classification code, all earnings are direct earnings.
There are two types of direct earnings:
Common earnings
Common earnings are insurable earnings from an ancillary operation or optional insurance amounts that are not segregated and cannot be directly assigned to a classification code. For example, the employer may have workers in areas such as human resources, accounting or administration, whose work duties support business activities in two or more classification codes. If the employer cannot segregate the earnings of these workers by assigning labour time spent in each business activity and classification code, these earnings are considered common earnings.
Common earnings must be prorated over the direct earnings of the relevant classification codes. When reporting common earnings, the employer needs to determine the percentage of direct earnings for each classification code from the employer’s total direct earnings payroll.
An employer carries on four different business activities and is classified in four different classification codes. There is one administrative assistant supporting all four business activities but this employer could not maintain segregated wage records for the assistant’s time spent on each business activity. In this example, all of the insurable earnings of the administrative assistant ($48,000) are common earnings and must be prorated over the direct insurable earnings in each classification code. Each pro-rated portion is then assigned to the appropriate classification code.
How to calculate
Step 1: Employer determines direct earnings and percentage of total direct earnings from all workers for each classification code.
Classification code | Classification code description | Direct insurable earnings | Percentage of total direct earnings |
314110 | Carpet and rug mills | $100,000 | 20% |
314910 | Textile bag and canvas mills | $250,000 | 50% |
313210 | Broad-woven fabric mills | $60,000 | 12% |
314990 | All other textile product mills | $90,000 | 18% |
Total |
| $500,000 | 100% |
Step 2: Apply the percentage of total direct earnings to the common earnings in order to determine the proportion of common earnings to be assigned to each classification code.
In this example, the administrative assistant’s common earnings of $48,000 will be pro-rated over the employer’s four business activities.
Classification code | Classification code description | Percentage of common earnings | Pro-rated common earnings per classification code |
314110 | Carpet and rug mills | 20% of $48,000 | $9,600 |
314910 | Textile bag and canvas mills | 50% of $48,000 | $24,000 |
313210 | Broad-woven fabric mills | 12% of $48,000 | $5,760 |
314990 | All other textile product mills | 18% of $48,000 | $8,640 |
Total |
| 100% | $48,000 |
Step 3: Add up the direct and pro-rated common earnings for each classification code.
The employer should contact the WSIB for instructions on applying insurable earnings to multiple classification codes if the circumstances fall outside those described in this section.
Appendix I - Insurable earnings for premium calculations
The examples of insurable earnings listed below is a general list and is not exhaustive.
Appendix II - Non-insurable earnings for premium calculations
With the exception of those items listed as non-insurable below, all other earnings are considered insurable for WSIB purposes.
Application date
This policy applies to decisions with respect to the calculation of premiums based on earnings earned from January 1, 2021.
Document history
This document replaces 14-02-08 dated January 2, 2020.
This document was previously published as:
14-02-08 dated April 1, 2016
14-02-08 dated January 2, 2013
14-02-08 dated November 3, 2008
14-02-08 dated October 12, 2004
14-02-08 dated July 19, 2004 (updated for document number cross-references only)
08-04-03 dated September 1989.
Legislative authority
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, as amended
Section 2(1), 12.2, 25(1), 54(1), 78(1), 87(1), 88(1), 88(3), 88.1, 141(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), and (9) and 160(1) and (2)
#4, April 19, 2021, Page 595