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Injured or ill people
Health care providers
Representatives and others
Sign up
Injured or ill people
Health care providers
Representatives and others
Log in
Injured or ill people
Health care providers
Representatives and others
Registration and coverage
Registration and coverage
Do you need to register with us?
Information you need to register your business
Employer Classification Manual (ECM)
Independent operators
Registration FAQs
New businesses - what you need to know
Mandatory coverage in the construction industry
Meeting your responsibilities
Premiums and payment
Premiums and payment
2025 Premium Rates
Rates from past years
Surplus rebate
How to report and pay your premiums
Understanding your rate
How to calculate your premium and insurable earnings
Premiums and payment FAQs
Business audits
Schedule 2
Experience rating programs
Account maintenance
Managing your account
Account balance and statements
Ownership changes
Changes to your business
Business activity change
Buying or selling your business
Authorizing a business representative
How to communicate with the WSIB by email
Closing your account
Injury or illness reporting
Fatality support
COVID-19 FAQs for business accounts
Occupational disease and workplace health hazards
Benefits provided to people with claims
Administrative Practice Documents
Return to work
Return to work
Return-to-work responsibilities
Getting help
Co-operating in the return-to-work process
Return to work and disability resources
Service providers
Objecting to a WSIB decision
Employer account operations decision
Review of claim file
Formal appeal
Appeal is registered
The oral hearing
Appeals decision
Disagreeing with a decision of the ARO
Appeals: Common definitions
Small business
Small business
Benefits and programs
Health and safety
Health and safety
What you need to know about health and safety
First Aid Program
Health and Safety Excellence program
Check a business's safety record
Forms: Businesses
Forms: Businesses
Resources for businesses
Your Guide: services and responsibilities – business edition
Injured or ill people
Report an injury or illness
Making a claim for occupational disease
Making a claim for noise-induced hearing loss
Making a claim for COVID-19
Make a claim for work-related mental stress
Online services for your claim
Occupational disease and survivors benefits program
Meeting your responsibilities
Administrative Practice Documents
Return to work
Return to work
Responsibilities for workers
Getting help with work reintegration for workers
Co-operating in the return-to-work process
Return to work and disability resources
Service providers
Objecting to a WSIB decision
Employer account operations decision
Review of claim file
Formal appeal
Appeal is registered
The oral hearing
Appeals decision
Disagreeing with a decision of the ARO
Health and safety
Health and safety
First Aid Program
Check a business’s safety record
Forms: Injured or ill people
Forms: Injured or ill people
Resources for injured or ill people
Health care programs: Find a provider
Your Guide: Benefits, services and responsibilities – Claimant edition
Workplace fatality support
Report a workplace fatality or catastrophic accident
For families
FAIR partnership
Health care providers
Provider information
Health care information
Reporting requirements
Meeting your responsibilities
Provider fees
Provider fees
Health practitioner fees
Preferred suppliers
Preferred suppliers
Health care equipment and supplies
Information about hearing devices
Occupational disease
List of occupational diseases adjudicated by WSIB
Ontario regulation film services program
Health care programs
Community Mental Health Program
Programs of care
Interdisciplinary team program of care
Occupational health hub
Specialized recovery services
Drug benefit program
Serious injury program
Forms: Health care providers
Resources for health care providers
Health care practitioners & the WSIA
Physician learning modules
Operational Policy Manual
Benefit Payments
Benefit Dollar Amounts - Accidents from 1998 (18-01-02)
Benefit Dollar Amounts - Accidents before 1998 (18-01-03)
Recovery of Benefit-Related Debts (18-01-04)
Table of Rates (18-01-05)
Redirected Benefit Payments (18-01-06)
Automatic Deduction for Family Support (18-01-07)
Interest Payments (18-01-08)
Canada/Quebec Pension Plan (CPP/QPP) Disability Payments (18-01-09)
Wages and Employment Benefits for Day of Injury (18-01-10)
Compensation Advances by Employer (18-01-11)
Employer Contributions to Worker Benefits (18-01-12)
Calculating CPP/QPP Offsets from FEL/LOE Benefits (18-01-13)
Annual Indexing (18-01-14)
Average Earnings
Overview (18-02-01)
Determining Short-term Average Earnings (18-02-02)
Determining Long-term Average Earnings: Workers in Permanent Employment (18-02-03)
Determining Long-term Average Earnings: Workers in Non-permanent Employment (18-02-04)
Determining Average Earnings - Concurrent Employment (18-02-05)
Determining Average Earnings - Recurrences (18-02-06)
Calculating Net Average Earnings (18-02-07)
Determining Average Earnings - Exceptional Cases (18-02-08)
Determining Average Earnings - Periodic Payments for Survivors (18-02-09)
Loss of Earnings (LOE) (Accidents from 1998)
Payment and Reviewing LOE Benefits (Prior to Final Review) (18-03-02)
LOE Benefits for Workers 55 Years of Age or Older (18-03-04)
Commutations (18-03-05)
Final LOE Benefit Review (18-03-06)
Loss of Retirement Income Benefits (Accidents on or after January 1, 1998) (18-03-07)
Future Economic Loss (FEL) (Accidents from 1990-1997)
FEL Presumption (18-04-02)
Date of Determination (18-04-03)
Breaking Continuity of Temporary Disability (18-04-04)
Initial Determination - Workers Who are Earning at Time of Determination (18-04-05)
Initial Determination - Where Suitable Occupation has been Determined (18-04-06)
Blending FEL Benefits with Other Benefits (18-04-07)
Commutation of Benefits (18-04-08)
Electing the OAS Equivalent (18-04-09)
Calculating FEL for Students, Learners, and Apprentices (18-04-10)
Supplements for Programs and Return-to-Work Activities Before and After 24 Months (18-04-11)
Supplement Following Significant Deterioration (18-04-12)
FEL Sustainability Benefit (18-04-13)
Reviewing FEL Benefits (Prior to Final Review) (18-04-14)
Effect of a 0% NEL Rating on FEL Benefits (18-04-15)
FEL Benefits and Older Workers (18-04-16)
Loss of Retirement Income Benefits (Accidents from January 2, 1990 to December 31, 1997) (18-04-17)
FEL: Changes to Net Exemption Code (18-04-18)
Objections to FEL Determinations (18-04-19)
Final FEL Benefit Review (18-04-20)
Non-Economic Loss (NEL) (Accidents from 1990)
Determining the Degree of Permanent Impairment (18-05-03)
Calculating NEL Benefits (18-05-04)
NEL Redeterminations (18-05-09)
Wage Loss for NEL Assessment (18-05-10)
Assessing Permanent Impairment Due to Mental and Behavioural Disorders (18-05-11)
Temporary Disability Benefits (Accidents before 1998)
Calculating Temporary Total Disability Benefits (Accidents between 1985 and 1998) (18-06-01)
Calculating Temporary Partial Disability Benefits (Accidents between 1985 and 1998) (18-06-02)
Definitions for Adjudicating Pre-1998 Claims (18-06-03)
Most Recent Earnings for Recurrences (18-06-04)
Concurrent Employment (18-06-05)
Individuals on Unpaid Training Placements - Temporary Disability Benefits (18-06-06)
Permanent Disability Benefits (Accidents before 1990)
Determining the Degree of Disability (18-07-01)
The Ontario Rating Schedule (18-07-02)
Type and Duration of Award (18-07-03)
Calculating Permanent Disability Benefits (18-07-04)
Arrears (18-07-05)
Lump Sum (Commutations) (18-07-06)
Section 147(14) - $200 Additional Amount (Permanent Disability) (18-07-09)
Sections 147(2) and 147(4) Supplements (Permanent Disability) (18-07-10)
Sign up
Injured or ill people
Health care providers
Representatives and others
Log in
Injured or ill people
Health care providers
Representatives and others
Registration and coverage
Registration and coverage
Do you need to register with us?
Information you need to register your business
Employer Classification Manual (ECM)
Independent operators
Registration FAQs
New businesses - what you need to know
Mandatory coverage in the construction industry
Meeting your responsibilities
Premiums and payment
Premiums and payment
2025 Premium Rates
Rates from past years
Surplus rebate
How to report and pay your premiums
Understanding your rate
How to calculate your premium and insurable earnings
Premiums and payment FAQs
Business audits
Schedule 2
Experience rating programs
Account maintenance
Managing your account
Account balance and statements
Ownership changes
Changes to your business
Business activity change
Buying or selling your business
Authorizing a business representative
How to communicate with the WSIB by email
Closing your account
Injury or illness reporting
Fatality support
COVID-19 FAQs for business accounts
Occupational disease and workplace health hazards
Benefits provided to people with claims
Administrative Practice Documents
Return to work
Return to work
Return-to-work responsibilities
Getting help
Co-operating in the return-to-work process
Return to work and disability resources
Service providers
Objecting to a WSIB decision
Employer account operations decision
Review of claim file
Formal appeal
Appeal is registered
The oral hearing
Appeals decision
Disagreeing with a decision of the ARO
Appeals: Common definitions
Small business
Small business
Benefits and programs
Health and safety
Health and safety
What you need to know about health and safety
First Aid Program
Health and Safety Excellence program
Check a business's safety record
Forms: Businesses
Forms: Businesses
Resources for businesses
Your Guide: services and responsibilities – business edition
Injured or ill people
Report an injury or illness
Making a claim for occupational disease
Making a claim for noise-induced hearing loss
Making a claim for COVID-19
Make a claim for work-related mental stress
Online services for your claim
Occupational disease and survivors benefits program
Meeting your responsibilities
Administrative Practice Documents
Return to work
Return to work
Responsibilities for workers
Getting help with work reintegration for workers
Co-operating in the return-to-work process
Return to work and disability resources
Service providers
Objecting to a WSIB decision
Employer account operations decision
Review of claim file
Formal appeal
Appeal is registered
The oral hearing
Appeals decision
Disagreeing with a decision of the ARO
Health and safety
Health and safety
First Aid Program
Check a business’s safety record
Forms: Injured or ill people
Forms: Injured or ill people
Resources for injured or ill people
Health care programs: Find a provider
Your Guide: Benefits, services and responsibilities – Claimant edition
Workplace fatality support
Report a workplace fatality or catastrophic accident
For families
FAIR partnership
Health care providers
Provider information
Health care information
Reporting requirements
Meeting your responsibilities
Provider fees
Provider fees
Health practitioner fees
Preferred suppliers
Preferred suppliers
Health care equipment and supplies
Information about hearing devices
Occupational disease
List of occupational diseases adjudicated by WSIB
Ontario regulation film services program
Health care programs
Community Mental Health Program
Programs of care
Interdisciplinary team program of care
Occupational health hub
Specialized recovery services
Drug benefit program
Serious injury program
Forms: Health care providers
Resources for health care providers
Health care practitioners & the WSIA
Physician learning modules
About us
Contact us