The rate framework is effective January 1, 2020. It is a new classification and premium rate setting model for Schedule 1 employers.
The general rules to transition employers to the new model are outlined in 14-01-09, Transition to the Rate Framework. This policy outlines premium rate increase limits and special risk band movement rules that apply only to non-profit organizations (NPOs).
The special rules are used to set premium rates for NPOs from 2020 to 2029.
The purpose of this policy is to outline the special rules to transition NPOs to the new premium rate setting model.
An employer is considered an NPO if it falls under one of the following categories:
Premium rate increase limits
In 2020, an NPO's premium rate will not increase above their net premium rate. See 14-01-09, Transition to the Rate Framework, which outlines how the net premium rate is calculated.
In 2021-2024, an NPO's premium rate will not increase above the premium rate they were assigned the previous year.
While an NPO's premium rate will not increase in these years, it can decrease.
Special risk band movement
Employers generally move a maximum of three risk bands each year from their prior year risk band towards their projected risk band, see 14-02-01, Employer Level Premium Rate Setting. However, for setting 2020 to 2029 premium rates for NPOs only, special rules apply that supersede those rules.
2020: NPOs move downward from their initial prior year risk band directly to their projected risk band, or no risk bands upward.
2021 - 2024: Each year, NPOs move downward from their prior year risk band directly to their projected risk band, or no risk bands upward.
2025 - 2027: Each year, NPOs move a maximum of three risk bands downward from their prior year risk band towards their projected risk band, or a maximum of one risk band upward.
2028 - 2029: Each year, NPOs move a maximum of three risk bands downward from their prior year risk band towards their projected risk band, or a maximum of two risk bands upward.
Application date
This policy applies to all decisions made on or after January 1, 2020.
Policy review schedule
This policy will be reviewed within five years of the application date.
Document history
This is a new policy.
Legislative authority
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, as amended
Section 83
#2, September 23, 2019, Page 567