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Found 33 result(s)
Every December, we begin mailing annual indexing letters to people outlining any cost-of-living adjustment to their benefits for the coming year.*Beginning January 1, 2025,…
We understand audits can make many people nervous, but we’re here to help.By working together, we can:evaluate whether you’re complying with your legislative requirements and…
To help reduce the financial burden of the COVID-19 pandemic on Ontario businesses, we provided the opportunity to defer premiums due between March to August 2020.
By-application insurance covers employees in businesses that aren’t required by law to be covered by the WSIB. Businesses that choose to apply for WSIB coverage are given the…
Nuestra Estrategia para los trabajadores agrícolas extranjeros se centra en ayudar a que las personas del Programa Federal de Trabajadores Agrícolas Temporales (SAWP, por sus…
Updated: October 23, 2023
Multiple potential sources of COVID-19 exist in the community, at home and outside of work making it challenging to establish work-relatedness when…
For more information, FAQs about claims and COVID-19,…
Frequently asked questions
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) will pay a professional home care service visit where someone is entitled to benefits under the Workplace Safety and…
All businesses covered by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA) are required to have first aid equipment, facilities and trained personnel in all workplaces.First aid…
Work-related hearing loss can be caused either by an acute traumatic event or by prolonged exposure to excessive noise levels.Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most…
You may need to confirm your status as either an independent operator or an employee (worker) if a business who has hired you needs confirmation of their responsibility to…
On December 10, 2018 we announced a review of more than 300 claims filed between 2002 and 2017, related to the Kitchener Waterloo area rubber facilities, that had previously…
Hearing loss can happen when certain parts of our ear(s) or auditory or hearing system are not working in the usual way you are used to. Work-related hearing loss can be…
When you have a work-related injury or illness, we’re here to help you recover and get back to work. This may include providing you with health-care benefits and in some…