Laryngeal Cancer-Asbestos/Nickel Exposure


Laryngeal cancer in workers exposed to nickel aerosol in specific industrial processes is accepted as an occupational disease under sections 2(1) and 15 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act as peculiar to and characteristic of such processes.


Entitlement criteria

Workers with claims for laryngeal cancer are entitled to benefits if the following criteria are met.

Entitlement criteria for laryngeal cancer

Duration of exposure 

(cumulative minimum)


Inception period (minimum interval between first exposure and diagnosis of laryngeal cancer)


15 years exposure to nickel aerosols through any process in the nickel industry which produces nickel in aerosol dispersion, in combined or elemental form, including

  • roasting
  • smelting
  • refining
  • welding
  • electroplating.
20 years
Nickel and Asbestos
7.5 years nickel aerosols
5 years asbestos
15 years

For claims involving asbestos exposure, see 23-02-02, Laryngeal Cancer and Asbestos Exposure.

Date of entitlement

The date the worker may first be entitled to benefits/services is the date of accident, also known as the date of injury. The date of injury is the date of diagnosis, or the first date that related symptoms are medically documented, whichever is earlier. See 11-01-04, Determining the Date of Injury for more information. 

Application date

This policy applies to all decisions made on or after January 1, 2023, for all accidents.

Document history

This document replaces 16-02-10 dated October 12, 2004.

This document was previously published as
04-04-13 dated November 1989.


Legislative authority

Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, as amended

Sections 2(1), 15, 119


#8, December 21, 2022, page 609