Allergic Respiratory Illness

This policy has not been amended to reflect the 
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and Regulations made under it


Respiratory disease due to the inhalation of materials used in non-offset sprays is an industrial disease listed in Schedule 3 to the Act, and is deemed to be due to the nature of the employment unless otherwise proved, provided the employment is in a process set out in column 2 of Schedule 3 next to “Respiratory disease”.


Respiratory Allergy and Sensitivity

Following initial exposure and recovery, some workers exhibit recurrence of symptoms following further minimal exposure or exposure to other chemicals. Symptoms similar to bronchospasm or bronchial asthma may appear. These workers may become eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation Services to assist them in locating alternative non-exposure employment.

Permanent Disability

In prolonged claims where a worker does not show improvement within three months after the removal from exposure to the offending allergen and is still disabled from work, the claim is referred for assessment of continuing entitlement.

A permanent award is considered when the compensable condition is stabilized and generally at least six months have elapsed after removal from exposure or from the date of the last exacerbation.

Toluene Diisocyanate (T.D.I.) Claims

Where a claim is filed for disablement due to T.D.I. exposure, see Fume Toxicity, 04-02-08.

Continuing Medical Aid

At the time of assessing whether a worker is permanently disabled, the Board determines the nature and the extent of further medical treatment and medical rehabilitation for the worker.


Legislative Authority

Workers’ Compensation Act
Sections 1(1)(n) and 122

Regulation 951
Section 11 and Schedule 3


Board Minute
#3, May 9, 1963, Page 3043
#1, May 14, 1965, Page 3273