If an employer can demonstrate financial hardship, the WSIB may allow an employer to pay debts owed to the WSIB using a phased payment plan. The WSIB sets the terms and conditions of the plan.
Employer — For the purpose of this policy, an employer is one who has carried on, or is carrying on, a Schedule 1 business activity, either on a mandatory basis or by application. Employers include independent operators (and partners without workers) who have purchased WSIB optional insurance.
Requesting a financial hardship determination
An employer requesting a financial hardship determination must make the request in writing, and include supporting documents, such as
Financial risk analysis
To determine if an employer is experiencing financial hardship, the WSIB does a financial risk analysis of the employer. Using the information provided by the employer, the WSIB determines the risk of loss to the WSIB, and the employer's ability to pay.
In deciding whether to extend relief, the WSIB also considers
After doing a financial risk analysis, the WSIB may
Phased payment plans
The WSIB structures phased payment plans to achieve optimal recovery of the debt as quickly as possible, given the employer's financial situation.
All plans are based on an agreement made by the employer (the owner, partner, or authorized executive officer of the employer), and a representative of the WSIB. The employer commits to a plan that the WSIB determines to be reasonable. The WSIB confirms the plan in writing.
Contents of a plan
A plan may include
Renegotiating a plan
The WSIB reserves the right to renegotiate the plan if an employer
Defaulting on a plan
If an employer defaults on a plan, the WSIB may require full payment of the debt immediately. If the amount is not paid, the WSIB may escalate collection action by, for example,
Suspending or waiving interest charges
In addition to addressing interest charges as part of a phased payment plan, the WSIB may suspend or waive interest charges at any time during collection proceedings.
Application date
This policy applies to all decisions made on or after January 1, 2020.
Document History
This document replaces 14-04-04 dated October 12, 2004.
This document was previously published as:
14-04-04 dated June 15, 1999
Legislative Authority
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, as amended
Sections 89(2), 135, 137
#10, December 17, 2019, Page 572