Secondary school students who are registered in Ministry of Education work education programs and who are placed with an employer (placement host) to gain practical work experience, and who are not paid by the placement host, have WSIB coverage during the placement. The Ministry of Education provides coverage.
These students, also referred to as pupils, are deemed to be workers under the Education Act.
Programs covered
The Ministry of Education provides WSIB coverage to secondary school students who are on unpaid work placements and participate in the following work education programs
- Supervised Alternative Learning for Excused Pupils
- Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
- secondary school co-op programs
- job shadowing and job twinning programs for students that are 14 years of age or older
Because some government-funded programs may change or be discontinued in subsequent years, it is important that school representatives receive up-to-date information from the Ministry of Education to determine whether the government funds the WSIB insurance costs.
WSIB coverage
Work Education Agreement
The involved parties must complete and sign a Work Education Agreement form before the student starts the work education program to ensure WSIB coverage is provided by the Ministry of Education.
The agreement must also be signed for students who are 14 years of age or older if they are participating in job shadowing/twinning experiences that involve hands-on work for more than one day.
When are students covered?
Students are generally covered
- while they are performing the duties assigned by the placement host under the supervision of a training supervisor
- when the placement takes place on school board property and they are supervised by a non-teaching staff member (e.g., building custodian, audio-visual technician, purchasing officer)
- while travelling as required to perform the duties assigned by the placement host
- when the placement is outside of Ontario if they are enrolled in an international co-operative education program. Coverage is automatic for six months and a written request must be sent to the WSIB to extend coverage.
When are students not covered?
Students are generally not covered
- while they are at school attending regular classes and participating in regular school activities
- while they are travelling to and from the placement host
- while working as teacher aides in a school classroom or shop because during these school
- placements the students are under the constant supervision of teachers who have greater control over these working conditions than in other placement settings
- while they are training for or are participating in individual or team sports
- while performing a mandatory number of hours of volunteer community service.
Submission of the Form 7
If a student sustains a work-related injury or disease while on a job placement, the school board representative submits to the WSIB the Form 7, (see Form 7 on behalf of the Ministry of Education).
The Ministry of Education is named employer on the Form 7 under "Employer Information".
Further information
For information about pupils/students and
- calculating average earnings for accidents on or after December 1, 2002, see 18-02-08, Determining Average Earnings - Exceptional Cases
- calculating average earnings for accidents from January 2, 1990 to December 31, 1997, see 18-06-01, Calculating Temporary Total Disability Benefits (Accidents between 1985 and 1998)
- calculating future economic loss (FEL) benefits, see 18-04-10, Calculating FEL for Students, Learners, and Apprentices
- other individuals on unpaid training placements, see 12-04-04, Individuals on Unpaid Training Placements.
Application date
This policy applies to all decisions made on or after January 1, 2018, for all accidents.
Document history
This document replaces 12-04-07 dated November 4, 2004.
The document was previously published as:
01-02-09 dated October 27, 1997
Legislative authority
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, as amended
Sections 2(1), 53(4)
O. Reg. 175/98
Section 16
Workers' Compensation Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended
Sections 1(1), 40(6)
R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 1102
Section 14
#11, December 11, 2017, Page 552