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Find out more about how we make decisions, by reviewing the Operational Policy manual, and adjudication support documents. You’ll also find useful forms and fact…
Find out more about how we make decisions, by reviewing the Operational policy manual, Employer Classification Manual, and Adjudication support documents. You’ll also find…
WSIB has reviewed and provided additional information to those questions that were considered appropriate and/or deemed non-confidential for the purposes of this Expression…
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Tips for writing your resume
Your resume should be targeted towards the…
We’re here to help you and your employee after a workplace injury or illness. With our help, 9 out of 10 people injured on the job return to work within 12 months.
Return to Work Accommodation Tool
At the WSIB, we are committed to assisting the workplace parties, workers and employers as well as unions, where applicable in achieving…
Each year, we are required under Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA) to have an external firm review the cost, efficiency, and effectiveness of one or more WSIB…
When a workplace injury or illness happens, we’ll work with you and your employee to get them back to safe and suitable work and get you back to business as usual.Your…
Return-to-work services roles: Information for people with injuries or illnesses and their employers
When we all actively work together, we can successfully plan for a safe and practical return to work. This involves listening to each other’s ideas and concerns, and finding…
With our Safety Check feature, it’s never been easier to check the safety…
Instructions for employers:
One letter should be created on company-approved letterhead providing general information about the retroactive payment increase. The letter…
Schedule 2 organizations include:
organizations funded by public funds (from the federal, provincial and/or municipal governments)
organizations legislated by the…
Understanding the basics
Schedule 2 organizations are self-insured and liable to fund all benefit payments for their injured employees and the associated administrative…
Schedule 2 employers are self-insured and are therefore liable to fund all benefit payments for their injured workers and the associated administrative costs. Schedule 2…
Schedule 2 organizations are self-insured and the WSIB administers the payment of benefits. Each year, we announce a provisional administration rate that reflects the…
All private sector businesses are required to provide the WSIB with security to cover the estimate of future costs.If the WSIB determines that a Schedule 2 organization is…
At the beginning of each year, we set a provisional administration rate for Schedule 2 organizations, which we use to determine your monthly administration charges for that…
Schedule 2 employers pay the full costs of their WSIB claims and an administration fee to manage their claims.
To calculate the administration fee for Schedule 2 employers,…
January 2025BackgroundThe Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 establishes that a worker who experiences an occupational disease “due to the nature of their employment”…
How to send us legal proceeding documents
If you need to send us documents to be used in a court or legal proceeding involving the WSIB, or in which the WSIB is a…
The Serious Injury Program provides people who have been seriously injured at work with the specialized treatment, equipment and services they need to enable their functional…
Each year, we are required under Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA) to have an external firm review the cost, efficiency, and effectiveness of one or more WSIB…
On this page:
Authority of the Committee
Access to the Committee…
Vocational, functional and cognitive assessments, job coaching and specialized ergonomic assessments
We work with a number of providers to deliver vocational, functional and…